Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Chase Every Worry

A L O H A From Honolulu!

Laughter is music
Light and free,
Chase every worry
Let contentment
Just Be.

Life is a journey
Fill it with song,
Sing it loud and softly
As you go along.

Forget the "shoulds"
And  "used to be"
Embrace the present
Cherish life with glee!

Embrace the sunshine
Stories yet untold,
New chapters to write
In letters of gold.

Stride strong, eat well
Keep hearts light and free,
The best of life's journey
Still waiting for thee.
Cloudia Charters

Because one believes in oneself, 
one doesn't try to convince others. 
Because one is content with oneself, 
one doesn't need others' approval. 
Because one accepts oneself,
the whole world accepts one.
               Lao Tzu

 ಙ ಙ ಙ ಙಙಙಙಙಙಙ
Love You,
Cloudia & Pixie

 Linking To


  1. I am gleefully loving your poem, Cloudia, and the great sky shot. I also love Pixie being Pixie who is fully content with herself. Have a glorious day!

  2. Lao Tzu didn't anticipate tRUMP.

  3. Beautiful sky and a cute Pixie, great photos and quotes. I like your poem! Take care, have a great day!

  4. I don't sing well, which is a pity for others, but I do sing quite often.

  5. Pixie is being coy today, Cloudia. ;-)

  6. Lovely poem and glorious photos, Cloudia. Blessings!

  7. Thanks so much dear friends. Love you guys! Aloha!

  8. Lovely quotes and photos. Pixie is looking cute today.


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