Saturday, September 28, 2024

Fund Of Delight

A L O H A From Honolulu!

There is no sport equal to that
which aviators enjoy
while being carried through the air 
on great white wings. 
Wilbur Wright 1905

Nature is painting for us,
day after day, pictures
of infinite beauty if only we
have the eyes to see them.
  John Ruskin

 Nature was here
a series of wonders,
and a fund of delight. 
            Daniel Boone 

No matter how strong 
your armor is, 
every human soul is 
fragile and vulnerable.
         Tom Hiddleston

A good laugh overcomes
more difficulties and
dissipates more dark clouds than any
other one thing.
Laura Ingalls Wilder   

Love You,
Cloudia & Pixie


 Linking To

Saturday Critters

You can see those ducks take off


  1. Sigh..... I could use some laughter now. I've been fighting some weird lethargy that the doctor is worried about. He's not liking my blood test results. Have a happy weekend, Cloudia.

  2. Nature is THE best artist - and her galleries are superb.

  3. Beautiful sky image! I enjoyed all your photos, the cute ducks, Sweet Pixie and the lizard. The quotes are so true, well said! Thanks so much for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  4. The quote about nature painting for us is especially inspiring. The duck in flight shot is awesome!


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