Monday, September 23, 2024

Grace Space

A L O H A From Honolulu!

Once you are at peace
everything is possible.
Deepak Chopra

Let  others seek
Expensive and grand,  
Simple joys, that's my plan
The hectic part
Of the dance is done,  
Time to cherish peace
In the morning sun. 
Cloudia & Pixie 

The heart of the 
wise lies quiet 
like limpid water.
       Cameroon proverb

Kindness can
make it as nothing.


Pixie & Cloudia

Savor calm And quiet grace After the stormy Tempest's chase. For in the stillness Peace is found, Bedrock Of our sacred ground. Cloudia Charters


  1. A perfect start and now finding some peace.

  2. Looking for peace and calm, Cloudia. ;-)

  3. There's always a relaxation of the tightness in my shoulders whenever I read your blog. You do send peace out to the universe, and I catch a tiny bit of it!

  4. I love the idea of finding peace in the morning sun (or fog as we have here...) Thanks for a relaxing wonderful post.

  5. May love, calm and comfort surround you always, Cloudia. Blessings!


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