Sunday, December 1, 2024

Yellow Bells

Aloha From Honolulu!

Gentle waves are painting
Stories on the shore,
Foamy lines that whisper tales
Of all that came before.

The heart is the only
broken instrument
 that works.
    T. E. Kalem

Tecoma stans
Yellow Esperanza,
Trumpet Bush, Trumpet Flower,
Yellow Bells, Yellow Elder

 Eternity is in love
 with the productions
 of time.
 William Blake 

 People will forget
what you said.
People will forget
what you did.
But people will never forget
how you made them feel.
   Maya Angelou


Love You,
 Pixie & Cloudia

One joy scatters
a hundred griefs.
      Chinese proverb


  1. I love the Maya Angelou quote and the cute picture of youngish Pixie. Esperanza means hope. Thanks for sharing the yellow hope of happiness today.

  2. Beautiful scenery and the flowers are lovely.
    Pixie is always a star!
    Great quotes! Take care, have a great day and a happy new week.

  3. We have lots and lots of yellow bells growing here. They are so pretty.

  4. That is a joyful top in the last photo.

  5. And Pixie looks like she's thinking, "this is not the right size for a litter box!" Great starting photo...have I told you how much it means to me to see that Hawaii has such beauty that you capture in your photos? Yellow Bells are beautiful, but I don't think I've ever seen then!

  6. I like the swirly blue mural of sea or sky … best, mae at

  7. Wonderful quotes. Love the yellow bells, Cloudia. ;-)

  8. Yellow is my favourite colour, it's nice, bright and cheerful.

  9. I love that last quote - I've used it a few times. #MuralMondays

  10. My favourite is William Blake's quote. Nice post!

  11. People will always remember how you made them feel, and visiting Pixie and you here always makes me happy! Blessings to you all!

  12. Saying used at the phone company. "one aw shit wipes out a thousand atta boys".

  13. You find the most beautiful quotes, Cloudia. I love Maya Angelou's quote and about the broken heart.

  14. I really like that last photo! So proud. With a gay and trans grandie, I am trying to learn new tricks!

  15. I needed the 'tropical' photos today. Thank you.

  16. Beautiful post, Amazing skies, Beautiful flowers, Loved Pixie's pic

  17. Love the Maya Angelou quote. Nice mural find. Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Cloudia.

  18. I love the swirled mural. What a great place for a portrait. I followed your post from Monday Murals.


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