Friday, February 7, 2025

Reason Enough

 A L O H A  From
H  O  N  O  L  U  L  U

They will not colonize my heart
Or monopolize my mind.
Defiant yet Happy
In the  power of simplicity
Empowered to float
Over ignorance
Through the darkness
Shedding insight and love.
Cloud Mind Can't Be Caged.
     Cloudia Charters

Kindness and politeness
are not overrated at all.
They're underused.
Tommy Lee Jones

George Eliot:  It is a 
narrow mind that 
cannot look at a subject 
from various points of view.

Prejudices are
what fools use 
for reason.

Think about how kids 
laugh so freely-
They haven't learned to 
postpone happiness yet.
They understand what 
we've forgotten: 
being alive is reason 
enough to celebrate.
Vex King

Love You,
Pixie & Cloudia


  1. Pixie looks like she's ready to celebrate being alive! Great post today!

  2. Pixie looks alert and not angry today.

  3. What a soothing thought every morning to take a moment to fill the brain with the pictures and wisdom found here. And as usual, thank you again for this.

  4. ...thanks for the Dennis fix, we heard him sing many times. RIP!

  5. Beautiful moon and a cute Pixie.
    The George Eliot quote is my favorite today.
    Happy Friday! Take care, have a happy day!

  6. Love the moon. Pixie looks ready for something, Cloudia. ;-)

  7. Floating on the clouds with you today, Cloudia. Beautiful!

  8. Love the shadow of the plant :-D

  9. Your words today are a perfect alternative to listening to the news.

  10. I think it is very important what you do Cloudia.Reading those fine lines.Gives heart and soul new views when we are somtimes stuck in the every day things.I love the Hawai flower and of course Pixie💖

  11. Your words are perfect for the stress we're going through now.

  12. I feel refreshed after reading your quotes and viewing the photos. Thanks, Cloudia.

  13. The gal in the first picture looks like she's parked illegally.

  14. Thanks for the inspiration and encouragement!


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