Monday, March 3, 2025

Reliable And Reliably

 A L O H A  From
H  O  N  O  L  U  L  U

Breathe deep,
Let silence bloom,  
A smile within
Evaporating gloom.

The Resistance Is Aloha. Decide to be a warrior
in your own way,
sharing what you have,
being reliable and
reliably kind. Lee Cataluna

How like a Queen
comes forth
the lonely Moon
From the slow-opening
curtains of the clouds,
Walking in beauty
to her midnight throne!...
George Croly

Compassion is the
sometimes fatal capacity
for feeling what it is like to
live inside somebody else's skin.
It's the knowledge that there
can never really be any peace
and joy for me until there is
peace and joy finally for you too. Frederick Buechner

Love You,
Pixie & Cloudia



  1. They are quite young paddlers.

  2. Compassion is found to be a positive emotive state that repairs frontal lobe of the brain

  3. I love the colours in the first photo, amazing :-D

  4. Beautiful photos and quotes.
    Pixie is a queen.
    I wish you peace and joy!
    Happy Monday, enjoy your day and the week ahead.

  5. would be nice to have reliable leaders now.

  6. Laughing out loud at the little child and squirrel by the Passion-something drink!

  7. I love those lines about the royalty of the moon!

  8. I do love the last quote about compassion especially, Cloudia. It's certainly something we could all use more of, isn't it? Blessings!

  9. As always such very wise words and good advice with a beautiful photo of the kitty.

  10. Beautiful photography and beautiful quotes.

    Beautiful Pixie.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. Scritches to Pixie. ♥

  11. What a lovely post. I love that full moon. I also love the child hiding behind the Hawaiian drink. I get the feeling I have seen that photo before. It makes a great second look and a great idea for T Tuesday. Thanks for sharing both this week, dear Cloudia. Pixie looks great, too.


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