Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Every Day

Every day there are miracles
So mundane that we take them for granted
Sun-set, sun-rise
The voices of birds
Who could fully appreciate
The daily gift of a loved one’s return?
A L O H A ! cloudia


  1. Just because
    simple bf

  2. Who's the little boy? Beautiful smile!

    I am surprised you haven't run out of things to say. Keep going! I'll continue to visit every day.

  3. Thank you GiGi for your support and your precious reading time ;-)

    The little fellow is my nephew, Amitai who lives in New York.

    He is radiant isn't he!

    Each day I trust that I can find SOMETHING to help readers experience comfort...
    Much Aloha my friend...c-

  4. Very neat site! Thanks for stopping by and seeing me.. I'll be back to visit you again too. :)



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