Tuesday, October 14, 2008

A Path. . .

"The only devils in the world are those running around in our hearts. That is where the battle should be fought." Gandhi

Morning comes to New York, to the lava fields of the Big Island Hawaii, and to the healing sands of Waikiki. . .
Sometimes I awaken anxious. But there is always a calm to be claimed if we will. Why do we feel guilty turning off worry? Afraid we'll miss something? Lose our edge? Gently, not by force of will, simply de-couple, de-escalate from the entrainment of worry. Allow your body-wisdom to take over. Pause, clarify, breathe. What do you see? Hear? Smell? Feel?
There is a clearing in the woods, and the "path" to it is more than a poetic image. It is a real way to get somewhere. Believing something is not the same as walking your path step by step. Stop knowing for a while. Watch the comical parade of worries pass you by.
Pilgrim Congregational Church in Massachusetts encourages folks to bring their dogs to "woof & worship" services. "Dogs bring such hope in a world where we're surrounded by such hopelessness," says Reverend Bickford.
Look into the eyes of a pet, a child, or that own inner child looking back from the mirror. Morning comes to our shores again. It's gonna be a nice day; a gift. If we can only receive it that way. . .
A L O H A ! Cloudia


  1. In other words, fret not about the past or the future. Appreciate the now!

  2. Morning's a gift! jx

  3. Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my blog. Love the pics and interesting stuff you have on your blog. I'll definitely link to you next week for My Town Monday, which I usually post on Sunday if that makes any sense.

    I've subscribed to you via my Google reader.


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