Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Chinese New Year part 2

Click on photos to enlarge!

Here are more pictures from Chinese New Year celebrations here in Honolulu. If you haven't already, read yesterday's part 1 post.

Incense smoke pouring from the Kwan Yin Temple. (Top)

Good luck from over the rainbow.

Trinkets! (Left)
A symbol of a sweet New Year, a tiny orange tree. (Below)

Even the trees sprout poetry!

Gung-Gung (Chinese: ''Grandmom") and Mo`opuna (Hawaiian: 'Grandchild')


A Spiritual Official holding a cash offering. One of the "Powers & Principalities" that Jesus spoke of?(Left)

Kwan Yin Temple Altar. (Below)

Chinese Proverbs:
"You cannot prevent the birds of sorrow from flying over your head, but you can prevent them from building nests in your hair."

"Better do a good deed near at home than go far away to burn incense."
"To talk goodness is not good... only to do it is."
"Do not confine your children to your own learning, for they were born in another time."
"Teachers open the door but you must walk through it yourself." "Talk doesn't cook rice." "I hear and I forget, I see and I remember. I do and I understand."
"Deep doubts, deep wisdom; small doubts, little wisdom."
"A single conversation across the table with a wise man is worth a month's study of books."
"An inch of time cannot be bought with an inch of gold."
"The greatest conqueror is he who overcomes the enemy without a blow."
"With virtue you can't be entirely poor; without virtue you can't really be rich."
"If you are patient in one moment of anger, you will escape a hundred days of sorrow."
"The journey is the reward."
"Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere."
"When you cease to strive to understand, then you will know without understanding."
"One joy scatters a hundred grieves."
"Insanity is doing the same thing in the same way and expecting a different outcome."
"One never needs their humor as much a when they argue with a fool."
"A hundred men may make an encampment, but it takes a woman to make a home."
"If I keep a green bough in my heart, the singing bird will come."
" If you want happiness for a lifetime -- help someone else."
"Habits are cobwebs at first; cables at last." "Enough shovels of earth -- a mountain."
"When men speak of the future, the Gods laugh."
"With true friends... even water drunk together is sweet enough."
"A wise man makes his own decisions, an ignorant man follows the public opinion."
"Life is a dream walking death is a going home." A L O H A


  1. Chinase people are very wise persons. Nice photos Cloudia and in your previous post also.

  2. Indeed the Chinese culture always interesting because its uniqueness.
    I'm glad you had post the Chinese proverb above. I like it, so many wisdom.

    Gong Xi Fa Cai (Congratulations and be prosperous).

    Greeting from Indonesia.

  3. Ah yes, Kwan Yin, the bodhisattva of compassion (known in Tibetan Buddhism as Avalokiteshvara), who was on my mind when I named my litle Bodhi-san. :-)

    Love this quote: "Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere."

    I'll hang onto that one, my friend! Peace - D

  4. Even the trees spout poetry. Excellent. Or they ARE poetry.

  5. Here's to keeping the green boughs in our hearts!I loved reading both posts. I'll take one 'inauguration special' to go and I wish you a happy new year, my friend.

  6. Wonderful bright spot to come here are read and see all these goodies!

  7. I love the photos Cloudia and you have a Kwan Yin temple there? How lucky are you!

  8. Wow, so much truth in those proverbs! And thanks for the pictures. I am back in blogging sphere, and now I have to spend some time exploring your site. I don’t want to miss anything! Have a wonderful second New Year!

  9. The thing I have learned and would not have guessed of Hawaii is the cultural diversity.

    I have plans for your book, and will likely post my plans tomorrow on my blog. I would post tonight, but I'm having Margaritas. And have a house full of teens. It might not be coherent. :-)

  10. Bon Jour, Claude!!

    Tikno: aloha & Welcome. Can't wait to read your blog!

    RiverPoet: Blessings to you, my Dear!

    Charles: Great words today!!

    Noni: Right back at you, gal pal!

    Deborah: I SO appreciate those words!!

    Ake: We'll visit it together someday, Mate!

    Fida: aloha! So glad to see you again. Welcome back favorite...

    JunosMom: Glad to open the real treasures to you! And thank you so very much for your interest and help with my little novel. I'm really excited about the moves you are making in behalf of the message of Aloha. Bless you!!
    PS: I bet you are good fun on margaritas ;-)

  11. wonderful proverbs!
    love the photos too!

  12. "With true friends even water drunk together is sweet enough." Very nice! So why do I always end up drinking something that makes my lips numb? ;-)

    LOVELY pictures!

  13. All very wise quotations. I once read a little in the book of Buddha and I thought it was exactly like the words of Jesus. It is beautiful, wise and true.
    Thanks for this post.

  14. Magic Eye, Jen, Ake, Wil: Thank you ALL for your visits & Comments. I regard them as gifts, Aloha!

  15. I love the proverbs!

    Thank you for stopping by my blog.

  16. Wonderful Chinese proverbs, Cloudia.


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