Friday, September 18, 2009

Some JuJubes

A L O H A !

Come in

click on photos to be well & truly


Some think of beauty when they think of JuJube.

"Some people, no matter how old they get, never lose their beauty - they merely move it from their faces into their hearts."

Martin Buxbaum

Some people think of this tree when they hear the name.

“Sometimes our fate resembles a fruit tree in winter. Who would think that those branches would turn green again and blossom, but we hope it, we know it.”
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Some folks are used to seeing jujubee this way.

“Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana.”
Groucho Marx

Maybe some are even old enough to remember this Jujube!

"The memory of things gone is important to a jazz musician.
Things like old folks singing in the moonlight
in the back yard on a hot night or something said long ago.”
Louis Armstrong

This is what came to mind...when I heard Jujube. . . until. . .

“I like vending machines, because snacks are better when they fall. If I buy a candy bar at the store, oftentimes I will drop it so that is achieves its maximum flavor potential.”
Mitch Hedberg

“Candy Is dandy, But liquor Is quicker.”
Ogden Nash

But this is my little Jujube.


(In a silly, high pitched cat voice)

A L O H A! Cloudia


  1. You have some fruits we do not know over there. We only can buy some from West French Indies for Christmas.

    A drop by here I'm doing :DD

  3. What a laugh -- I never thought about the "need" for candy to drop. I bet it DOES taste better dropped. The soda certainly is more "lively" when "dropped" in a machine.
    Pirate Kitty has a pretty set of whiskers.
    So what IS the jujube salon like?

  4. I do hope the fruit and salon pull out less fillings than the candy which may taste better dropped but not with the dental work attached.

  5. Strange, I thought faces became more beautiful with age - and the heart stayed just about the same. Usually.

  6. Awww! Your little Jujube is SO CUTE!

    (Now my little Bosco is offended, because he does NOT like Mommy going 'aw' at anything or anyone but him!)

  7. What does the jujube fruit taste like, is it comparable to another fruit or veggie?


  8. I never considered dropping a candy bar to enhance the flavor. but now I will.

  9. When I see "jujubee" I think of Voodoo for some reason. I think there's some kind of relation (perhaps not "jujubee," but maybe "juju" or something.) That's what I get for living in N'awlins.

  10. Claude, Bonjour!

    Hi, Senghoo.

    Drumy: Me at a salon? HA ha ha!

    WM: LOL HA HA!

    Dave: you are wise.

    Fireblossom: LOL, great icon!

    Daryl: I haven't tasted it...only my mind enjoys it ;-]

    Charles: Try it!

    Wen ;-]

    Ake: Aloha dear.


    Yeah good juju to you ;-)

    Thanks fiends!

  11. I love jujubes. Of course I never heard of them pre-Taiwan. But my husband and his friends even grow them here in California (probably with contraband seeds).

    I don't like the candy ones, just the fruit, and your pirate kitty should be somewhat embarrassed by a name like Jujubeee. I mean the lady rocks the boat for heaven's sake. But I guess if you have to throw the candy on the floor before you eat it, that makes it a rough and tumble pirate type snack. Hmmm, maybe that's why I never like them.

    Have a wonderful day!

  12. I had no idea that a Jujube could be a fruit that grows on a tree. Did the fruit inspire the candy? I remember trying the candy, Jujube, in a movie theatre long ago, and one got stuck in my teeth. I decided that if a candy was going to get stuck in my teeth I would prefer it to be a Sugar Baby. Yikes, can you say dentist twenty times in a row?

  13. I'll finish reading and looking at the rest of the post, I promise! But for now, I must thank you deeply for this:

    "Some people, no matter how old they get, never lose their beauty - they merely move it from their faces into their hearts."

    Martin Buxbaum

    All the love,
    Pagan Sphinx :-)

  14. I love Jujubes. Great post!

    Have a nice weekend.

  15. Thanks for visiting and sharing your words!

  16. Hey, I remember that candy! I will try the candy dropping thingy next time around. ;) Aloha.

  17. 'Ben cao gang mu'(chin. book about medicine from the 16th century) already wrote about JuJubes - assume what is known for such a long time can only be good,nice and beautiful.

    Must be such a good place, where one finds such flowers to grow. Am glad to 'know' you being happy there. A wonderful weekend to all of you !

  18. That was fun!

    I love the Hedberg quote. That is funny.

    Happy New year, friend!

  19. I wonder if the candy is named after the fruit. What is it like? I've never seen it here in the states.

  20. love your jujube!!!

    namaste /\

  21. Gee... I've never heard of Jujube. I must really be out of it.

  22. Never even knew there was a jujube fruit! I've had the candy many times as a child. What does the fruit taste like?

    Love the kitty - little Jujube!


  23. Simply killing some in between class time on Digg and I found your article . Not normally what I desire to examine, nevertheless it was completely price my time. Thanks.

  24. Thank you for visiting our JuJube party!


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