Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas from Oahu

ALOHA Christmas

click on the tropical splendor
Welcome to the temporary capitol of the USA.
Barack and his family are here on Oahu!
Rest up, Mr. President. We are proud of you.
Actually being the decision-maker is harder than anyone knows.
You had to give in to the extortion of bankers,
to solve problems you never created.
Now they call you a socialist
for trying to get a handle on our broken "health care" system.
You are trying to end a war
that was badly launched and mismanaged,
so they call you a war monger.
But we know that there is Aloha in your heart
for the American people,
for all people.
So welcome back to your birthplace
and childhood home.
We are proud of what you are trying to do,
though others would rather harm our country and people
than to see you succeed.
Aloha & God Bless you and your family.
God Bless Hawaii, America, and our

"We have a stake in one another …
what binds us together is greater than what drives us apart,
and ... if enough people believe in the truth of that proposition and act on it, then we might not solve every problem, but we can get something meaningful done for the people with whom we share this Earth."
Barack Obama
What HE is thinking. . .

What SHE is thinking :-)

This December,
That love weighs more than gold!"

~Josephine Dodge Daskam Bacon~

(If you haven't listened to yesterday's post, please check it out below)

ALOHA, Friend cloudia

"It's not just enough to change the players. We've gotta change the game."
Barack Obama


  1. Amen, Sistah.
    Shaloha to you and all on this special day.

  2. How wonderful for you Cloudia ! And thank you so much for sharing this with us today. Happy Christmas and best wishes....

  3. Merry Christmas to you all the way from Australia

  4. Mele Kalikimaka, Cloudia! I went to sleep and then woke up to insomnia. It's nice to find you're awake, too. Thank you for this post. You said it so well. I'm standing with you! I'm very grateful to President Obama for all he's trying to do with the few cards he can play with.

  5. Aloha Friend and Merry Christmas.

    Your post is so inspiring and touching. I believe the rest of the world CAN see that he is trying.

    I wish I had visited you earlier. I saw you often at Razored Zen. But at least it is better late than never :)

  6. Concentrating on the spiritual today not the political.

    Be Well sister of mine.

  7. indeed love weighs more than gold. Merry Christmas!

  8. I'm loathe to wax political, but really, where was all this "outrage" when these problems were being created? Oh yes that's right, it was "unpatriotic" to question the previous president. I keep forgetting.

    Ohhh, I'm exhausted from my annual political diatribe! Merry Christmas, Cloudia!

  9. Merry Christmas, Cloudia. Thanks for a great post. Might I suggest a Hawaiian invasion of DC when the President returns? DC culture is so toxic, it poisons just about everyone it touches. Hope the President can rest up and rejuvenate during his time in the islands.

  10. I didn't realize the Prez was home for the holidays. Cool.

  11. around 2 o'clock in the afternoon, da weather been get gray kinda fast yesterday, didn't it.

  12. Happy holidays, hon. Best to you & yours for 2010. :)

  13. Aloha, cher! Joyeaux Noel!
    Great quotes!

  14. Such lovely words for your President. From here he seems to be doing the very best he can possibly do.
    Enjoy your festive season, both you and the President and his sweet wife.

  15. A, A, Amen, Cloudia. Thank you. And God bless you, Mr. Obama. How I respect our President and the tough situation he is in. My daughter and I were in Gettysburg today, and I realized how like Lincoln is Mr. Obama. Similar dilemmas. And the graciousness. We are blessed. May we know it.

  16. Merry Christmas, Dear Cloudia ---

    We're digging out of our Winter Wonderland..the snow drifts just keep moving and slowly dancing all over the yard, steps and driveway. If I could just send you some snow....


  17. Merry Christmas
    You must have had good dishes.

  18. Oh, it feels good to get back online and visit my friends.

    Happy New Year to you, Cloudia. Aloha!

  19. Aloha back at you. Thanks for this post and your entire perspective.

  20. Lovely post. Thank you.
    Happy New Year

  21. Clever post. A very happy New Year to you and yours.


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