Saturday, August 14, 2010

Bye Johnny

It's Captain Jack Sparrow AKA Johnny Depp!

He was gracious. He took time for fans.
He was approachable at nightspots
around Honolulu.

Folks gathered every evening at He'eia Pier,
waiting for him to arrive for filming.

But the ship has sailed on. . .
Bye Johnny!

Ship photos courtesy of the Windward Hogs Harley Owners Group, Mahalo!


  1. *ding ding*Turmoil departing *ding ding* tranquility arriving.

  2. I love the ship. I've never quite understood humankind's fascination with celebrities, though. I'd never approach a celebrity actor in public. I might a celebrity writer. Just possibly.

  3. What a great ship! Did you get an autograph from Johnny??

  4. Now that is an amazing ship!

  5. Johnny Depp is an amazingly talented actor, despite the Pirates movies. I would never approach a celebrity out of respect for his "privacy," but the ship is another matter. Lucky you live Hawaii.

  6. I love Pirates...

    I think Depp looks best as Capt Jack Sparrow in the pirate's wig. I don't care for his "real" hair in real life...

  7. Doggone! I totally missed all the excitement. I didn't even get to see the ship. Ah well.

  8. Hawaii's book's of life new page for me. Another wonderful page.

  9. Aw come on, now, Cloudia, you're never star struck?
    Now, if you were talking about that fantastic looking vessel - is it for real or just a mock-up - I'd be with you.


  10. Now, when I see the movie, which I must of course, I'll remember that you were standing nearby.


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