Friday, October 22, 2010

Status Talisman. . .

Or Stratus Talisman?


Beauty in all it's forms
heals me.

"Those disabled from work - the aged,
 and invalids -
 have a well-grounded claim
 to care from the state."

Otto von Bismarck, 1881,
 proposing a social insurance program.

"An onion can make people cry,
 but there has never been a vegetable invented
 to make them laugh." 

Will Rogers

"Clothes make the man.
 Naked people have little or no influence on society."

Mark Twain

"The pine stays green in winter...
 wisdom in hardship." 

Norman Douglas 


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We are designed to look for faces
and patterns in behavior.

We interpret the actions of others
without even realizing it.

What we "see"
seems as self evident
as sports teams do
when they are winning.

But leads can be lost;
Momentum is always shifting.

Don't remain moored
to past patterns, habits,
automatic responses.

Cleanse your windows of perception.
Invite a few "what ifs"
to the party.
with the real possibilities
that a shift in attitude
can begin.

O Lord
grant me the wisdom
to discern between
whole, healthy habits,
and stultifying routines -

Help me to be more able
to swim in the cataract of abundance
that surrounds me.


Bonus Tip:

We assume that our friends
or partners
are making a decision,
or sending a message,
when they are simply on auto-pilot
(as we are).

Remembering that they
are as lost & searching
as yourself
Allows compassion
to blanket and quench
the hot coals of hurt
in cool,

      Warmly, cloudia


  1. Good pictures with nice colors Cloudia.

    warm greeings from Holland.Joop

    have a nice weekend

  2. I loved the Will Rogers quote. LOL

  3. Much to ponder.. and wonderful photos with which to do it.

  4. Lovely, as ever. Happy weekend Cloudia !

  5. I do like Mark Twain today; but your own thoughts about routines and perceptions are deep and wise.

  6. Fabulous photos, Cloudia. I especially like your rainbow over the boats photos.

  7. Outstanding. A deep bow in respect for your being and ability to write.

    daily athens

  8. As a good friend said to me once, "We're all just people, love." I was reading too much into everything. I was not showing compassion. I had to relearn a few things to get on track with the folks who held my heart. Your post reminds me of that. Thank you, sweet lady.

  9. Cloudia! These sky pictures are amazing!!! Hope all's well...just back from traveling!! xoxo

  10. Cloudia, I love your messages today. It's almost as if they spoke directly to me.

  11. G' Day From Australia, It takes just four minutes for us human beings to know whether we like another person so the shrinks tell us. An angry dark sky followed by a colourful rainbow, fantastic.

  12. The rainbow is amazing. Do you get many of those, I wonder. Thanks for visiting - perhaps Leona Helmsley has come back to haunt! I did not see all that from the ground!!!!

  13. "An onion can make people cry,
    but there has never been a vegetable invented
    to make them laugh."

    Will Rogers

    I've never thought of it before but How true!

  14. Lovely pictures :-)
    I would love to have a play in that kayak in your header-picture!

  15. Aloha Cloudia! Fantastic shots... Those clouds were needing an expert to catch them... Great job!!

    Sorry for the absence: out one week, busy on return and then caught by the flu... ;)
    Blogtrotter Two is still in Algiers... Enjoy and have a great week!

  16. Unfortunately, naked people don't have much say in society, And that's the fundamental flaw of society today. LOL

  17. Thanks for the daily inspiration dose.
    Love it!

    B xx

  18. I'm upset just now with the way the UK is treating its disabled and vulnerable, so your pictures and quotes helped to console, soothe and offer hope. Thanks.

  19. your wisdom should take center stage in tour posts, in my humble opinion.

    what if you are locked into an old assumption/routine of thinking you have to lure us in with 'famous' quotes? your words uplift and encourage and are so appreciated!

  20. I think Will Rogers never saw a potato patch...we've had ducks, faces and more. Every potato is not a perfect oval and sometimes the results are comical. Thanks for visiting my blog and your kind comments.

  21. What you write is so inspirational. Your words respond to my mood, and life circumstance. Thanks.

    The photos are so nice to just look at for a few moments. A meditation in beauty.

  22. I loved the pictures of the sky today and that one looking out through the tikis at the green. Your quotes were delicious, and I am really enjoying your beautiful fish art.

  23. Thanks, my friend. I needed that reminder to be compassionate.

  24. Stunning photos. And I very much needed that message of your last paragraph. Thank you.

  25. Very beautiful sharing!
    Greeings from Asia!
    .. and just followed your blog.

  26. Wonderful Sky photos!

    I think saying "Rutabega" makes you laugh, without even having to eat it! (Vegtable, Roy)


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