Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Hawaii Weather



Y  O  U !

"Nothing is
at last sacred
but the integrity
of your own


The Thunder Bird

"Never bear more than one trouble at a time.
Some people bear three kinds-
all they have had,
all they have now,
and all they expect to have."

Edward Everett Hale 

That face

"And she gave birth to her firstborn son
and wrapped him in swaddling cloths
and laid him in a manger,
because there was no place for them
in the inn." 

Luke 2:7 


 "(and a sword will pierce through your own soul also),

so that thoughts from many hearts may be revealed."

Luke 2:35 

They're trying to tell us something, to spell out. . . ?





Yes, we have seasons here in the Hawaiian Isles.

They may not be like YOUR seasons-

and when you arrive here in December you'll think:

(As Twain did)

But we local recognize the patterns,
though it is a shock
when I'm half-listening to the TV and the 
local weather opens
with the word SNOW.

Then I remember:
Oh yeah, the summits of Haleakala and Maunakea.

Maunakea, the "White Mountain"
wears diadems of white telescope domes
and is oft painted pure white by the snow
of demigoddess POLIAHU.
But where was I?

Oh yes, Hawaii Winter weather.

In the winter we have "hot fudge sundae" days of pleasantly warm
and teasingly breezingly coolingly

Those are perfect paradise days!
And if they go on for weeks
one can start to become
a bit angelic.

Then our North Pacific High is harshed
by a passing Low
turning off the trades
inviting a Land/Sea breeze regime;
The land heats it's air above, which rises.
Sea air rushes in to fill the void.
(Sea breeze)

At evening the islands cool,
the air above sinks
pushing out the ocean air.
(Land breeze)

Sometimes it goes all KONA up in here.
Southern breezs blow bringing discomfort
and even a brand of island madness.
And it brings da VOG too - volcanic haze from
the Big Island of Snow and Fire.

When it's VOGGY I go stupid.

Storms break up the patterns.
A few years back it rained for 40 days!
But that is extremely rare,
and after a day or two of grey, drizzle and "cooler" temps
(that give us locals a chance to feel cozy,
and to wear our jackets)
 the Sun returns like the Second Coming

Thanks for the gift of YOUR visit!

Your comments
are gifts

and they always
      'make my day!'  cloudia

Maunakea Snow:


  1. Yes, I agree. Winter in Hawaii is wonderful. It felt like summer to Mark Twain. I guess he changed his mind after experiencing our real summer.

  2. so do you have coconut fights instead of snowball fights? Seems to me that would hurt.

  3. Showing off again, are we?
    Come and have a bit of the frosts we are having and send us a day of trade winds.

  4. I have great weather here in Southern New Mexico, yet as I read your climate report - I'm jealous.

    Hope you're doing well.

  5. Wow! What a woderful weather. We have only snow, so much that I think we are at northpol...:-)

    Servus and so long

  6. Thanks for sharing your wonderful weather, I think! Still -15 C. and a lovely blanket of snow to protect the garden and the underground critters.

  7. Nice one - can I borrow some Hawaii weather?

  8. Some fun spots to visit.It warmed to 24 today so I went out.The mountains remind me ascending a volcano in the Canary Islands and when you were at the top you could see the other islands pokeing through the clouds. The air was the best in the world they claimed having a spa for 20k a day you could stay at up there.

  9. Outstanding entry of yours. A wonderful proof that there's always a much deeper sense, while talking about the weather.

    Love the Emerson quote very much ! Please have you all a good Thursday.

    daily athens

  10. Coconuts are heavy dangerous things falling from the trees!

    Thanks SO much for this amazing crop of comments

  11. Those videos are fantastic, as are your photos.

  12. Hawaii seems to always have fantastic weather no matter what the season. Oh!, the burdens we carry on our shoulders, just like the Edward Everett Hale quote.

  13. have a lovely day!!

    namaste /\ from mumbai

  14. Nice, especially the sunset and beautiful music..

  15. nice. those fish are cool...and i thinki like your seasons better...6 inches of snow tonight...aloha from va...

  16. Beautiful videos Cloudia !
    In my pond my fish under the ice here ! Brrrr!
    ALOHA !

  17. Maunakea, the "White Mountain"wears diadems of white telescope domes...

    Would love to see those telescopes.

  18. The weather seems so cool, wonderful scenery too and thanks for sharing the video with us...

  19. Rainbow taken puka nie??


    I felt that energy from the video. Had I not been reading about the Indigenous Spirits- I don't think it would have hit me as hard!


    Aloha from SC,


  20. What a beautiful place to live. Your photographs are wonderful.

  21. Cloudia, what a wonderful weather you have in the Hawaiian Isles! What a dream! Thanks for sharing this information, it's really interesting.

  22. Here is cold, snow, winter!
    Have my regards from Romania!


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