Monday, December 13, 2010

Holiday Rush

A  L  O  H  A !

"Every piece of the universe, 
even the tiniest little snow crystal,
matters somehow.
I have a place in the pattern, and so do you…
Thinking of you this holiday season!"

-- T.A. Barron

"After silence,
that which comes nearest to expressing
the inexpressible
is music.
Music is what feelings sound like."

Aldous Huxley

"Blessed is the season
which engages the whole world
in a conspiracy of love."

Hamilton Wright Mabie



The holidays-

even if your boat-home
has not tried to sink-

are BUSY!

My mom is successfully moved.
Her (expensive!) apartment
has been sold.

My carpets are still damp
and I'm at war with mold
but the skies are blue, and
the Cazimero Christmas show

Thinking of


         Fondly. . .

Hows YOUR season going? cloudia


  1. My season is only just starting as far as Christmas cheer goes. There have been way too many pressures. But things are getting better and I love your quote about every little bit of snow being important. Makes me feel better.

  2. Thankfully your boat didn't sink and the carpets will dry out. Take care m'dear. x

  3. Another inspiring post, Cloudia!
    Thanks for sharing those great quotes along with beautiful photos.

    B xx

  4. Tis the season to not be stressed out for once in a long time.The mold can be real bad for you.Hoping all freshen up.

  5. cheers!

    namaste /\ from mumbai

  6. Oh, the crazy season can't be avoided at all. Only the beautiful sound of music makes the season beautiful. I loved that quote about music, for sure.

    Take carem Cloudia, slow it down. Life is in the moments we get to hold on to.

    May your holidays be peaceful and joyful.

  7. My Hilidaze??? Better NOW that I have seen your Skies, even in the puddle. It's ironic that you took a pic of water, and know you are OK!

    Hugs from SC,


  8. ... well, better not talk about the Christmas season over here ... amazing photography of yours !

    Please have you all a wonderful Tuesday.

    daily athens

  9. Wonderful quotes Cloudia :)

  10. I love your post. All that joy and good spirit. Thank you.

    Tonight my daughter and I made three batches of cookies and fudge. So nice to be in synch with here were we love to be.

    You are great. Just great!

  11. I hope you win the war mold, Cloudia.

    I'd never heard that quote by Aldous Huxley before - it's stunning and so true.

    The holidays always seem to sneak up on me each year...and this one is no exception. I'm very excited that my oldest son and his wife will be coming home for a week over the holidays. We haven't seen him in a year and he's been stationed at a military base far from home...

    Lots to be grateful for - and most especially that your home didn't sink!

  12. smiles. a conspiracy of love...i like that...

  13. you have blessed me. thank you each one

  14. Hope your war with mold will be over soon for the Christmas Holidays !

  15. Mould is tricky to get rid of just when you think you've gotten rid of it, it sneaks back when your not looking. Hopefully my season will be peaceful.

  16. wishing you the best with the mold problem!

    love that sky photo!

  17. Perhaps you haven't seen your book on my blog!!

  18. So glad to hear your boat is afloat!

    My season is full of snow and song.

  19. Okay Cloudia -- you've moved a Mom, got wet feet, but a song in your heart!
    Did you use a wet vacuum (amazing sucking machines...worth renting.) (On the carpet, not Mom.) I put boxes and bricks under my basement carpet, with little fans and rented big vans to dry out the carpet.
    Can you spare some funds to have a company come "fix/clean the mold" and put down new ship-shape carpet?
    Aloha cold Kansas winds of hope blowin' your way. We got up to 7 degrees today! DrumMajor

  20. Your good sense of humor stays afloat just like your boat/home. Thank goodness! and thanks for the lovely quotes.

  21. cellphones and skateboarding? What will they think of next.

  22. Oi, mold is a tiny but strong opponent.

    I remember how awful it was when a tree fell on my bedroom in the Heifer Ranch volunteer house. The rain soaked the carpet and many of my dear books on the desk.

    You have a lot to do this Christmas season.
    I'm not really sorry that here in Israel we are spared all the Christmas craziness. What's left is the main thing, going to midnight mass at the churches. So many Jews go to hear and see that is is standing room only.

    Good luck, Cloudia. Keep looking up.

  23. Good luck with the mold! I loved the quotes.

  24. Oh oh.. bad time for water woes... I'm glad you're keeping positive. I love that first quote.

  25. So far, so good here.

    And my thoughts are still with you and your family as you wage war on the mold.

  26. A very interesting sequence, but no doubt I'll take the second, the sky is impressive and beautiful silhouette of palm trees, very pretty.

  27. Great photos and quotes!

    For some reason I tend to stress out during the Christmas season. I'm not sure why? My wife does all the work and I just tag along with her when I can keep up! :-)


  28. Wow. As my feline housemate, Alex, and I look out the window on the cold, snow=covered ground, we can honestly say, "We wish we were there!"

  29. I tell ya, that SAND really sets off the holiday mood, lol.

  30. So far the season is progressing smoothly. I'm glad I haven't had the excitement you've had.

  31. Yes, the holiday crunch is on, but it'll all be over before we know it! Hang in there, cher and have a wonderful day! Cheers!

  32. Gorgeous photos and quotes, darling C!

    Happy Holidays!


  33. We had a 'dusting' of snow overnight .. so I guess its officially winter here in NYC .. brrrr

  34. Lovely ! I am sorry I haven't visited more - I have had wisdom tooth surgery and the pain has been AWFUL ! Yuck. Still, nearly Christmas....

  35. Cloudia,
    What holidays you are talking

    Your post is charming as always!

  36. Peace, music and love...I wish you a beautiful season, amiga! xo


  37. OMG!

    Now THIS is a Party!!!!!!!!

    Thank YOU for coming by

  38. Again really nice pictures on your blog....have a nice evening.

    greetings, Joop


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