Thursday, December 9, 2010

Still Here

A l o h a

"Love is an exploding cigar
we willingly smoke."

  - Lynda Barry

"Thoughts are but dreams till their effects be tried."
William Shakespeare

"Thoughts rule the world."

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Well, we're still floating
albeit with damp feet.

I have had some connectivity issues
but traced them to a damaged cable.
Please forgive me for not visiting
YOUR blog!
I hope to have life down to a manageable riot
Thanks for visiting at this busy Holiday season!
How are YOU coping with mid-winter madness?
          Warmly, cloudia


  1. I perhaps took on too much. I bought a bunch of gingerbread houses and passed them out, keeping one. It has been 20 years since I tried this bizzare decoration and forgot how long it takes.After I am done we all will share, if the others are still talking to me.LOL It's a sticky situation.Glad you are still above the tides.

  2. Glad you got it fixed. I've decided not to succumb to the madness and remain stoic.

  3. I hope everything is better on your end, Cloudia. I see this morning that the thunderstorm did not arrive as forecasted, at least not on our part of the island.

  4. Hope things get better and better. Thanks for letting us know how you're doing. Sounds like in spite of the challenges, you're surviving well.

  5. Hoping you get sorted out and dry soon

  6. sista'

    You have to understand that we all don't need to see each other every day to know we are thought of. which goes in both directions. By the way how is Bart doing as a hole plug Marge?

  7. awesome pictures! and quotes, I feel the urge to finish them "...and sometimes you get a pie in your face and sometimes the cream filling"

    "...and sometimes you get a pie in your face and sometimes the cream filling"

    "...and sometimes specific states such as the con of stipated is mistaken for angry thoughts, sometimes it is good to clarify or to ask for it although some think to ask for it means you had it comming"

    aloha Cloudia

  8. Hope everything is dried out soon! Let some of that beautiful sun in. :-)

  9. Jeesh Girl--you live on the freakin WATER in a Boat!!--you should have damp feet! DUH!!!!!

    Praying all is well my friend. Sorry--you needed a DRY sense of humor on that one!

    Remember-- HOPE FLOATS! OK- that was bad and good at the same time--but you know I mean True Hope!

    Seriously--everything OK?


  10. In Australia we enjoy the Christmas and New Year period in summer with all the flies and other nasty insects.

  11. Glad you're drying out! Love that second photo and Shakespeare quote. Just one more cold snap, then 5 days of 70's, here. Can't wait! Aloha,cher!

  12. Thank you for this great Shakespeare quote, melting into your photograpy.

    With regard to the tempearture, with nearly 70F during midday, difficult to obtain Christmas spirit for me.

    Please have you all a good Friday.

    daily athens

  13. It looks as if we on the Big Island will be spared the brunt of the storm. I hope you've got everything tied down and are shipshape!

  14. I have had those issues often enough. And it is enough for me to know you are there! Be well, friend.

  15. Love the photos and thanks for being a faithful friend.

  16. Cloudia...
    Still sharing beautiful thoughts in spite of your issues..
    You are one in a million Baby..

  17. Enjoy your holiday times....and hope the computer is fixed for good!

    Just in case...
    Here's mine

  18. Glad to hear things are looking up.
    Keep Smiling and I shall enjoy your visits when they happen.
    In the meantime, dear friend, Aloha!

  19. praying you get it all fixed up...puff away at that cigar...we all have out challenges...its hope we walk throughthem that says much...aloha from va!

  20. Thank you, dear Cloudia!
    For sharing with your friends
    the most beautiful images..
    Have e nice weekend,

  21. So what will be?
    Will you be fixing and staying?

  22. Great drifty cloud pictures - makes me want to go to Hawaii


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