Friday, December 10, 2010

Under Their Wings

A L O H A !

"I will do my best
to be honest & fair,
friendly & helpful,
considerate and caring,
courageous & strong. . . 
. . . and to make the world a better place."

The Girl Scout Oath

What is that tiny, loud thing up there glinting in the sun?

The skies always please.
You needn't own something
to derive pleasure from it.
Do you own a sunset
or a song?

F-22 Raptor

"When the power of love
overcomes the love of power, 
the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix

F-22 above Hawaii

"It may be laid down as a primary position,
and the basis of our system,
that every Citizen who enjoys the protection
of a Free Government,
owes not only a proportion of his property,
but even of his personal services
to the defense of it."
George Washington,
First President of the United States &
'Father of His Country' 



When I'm walking on Waikiki beach
and war planes zoom over,
or US Navy ships
silhouette themselves against the horizon
beyond the surfers and pleasure boats,
it always makes a powerful statement.

  As people from all over the world
relax together here in amity, 
the globe is still a place full of threats
and weapons.

  While we play others defend.
Even, or especially at this holiday season.

The last two Hawaii Air National Guard
F-15 Eagles
made their final flights
from Hickam Air Force Base here 
this past Summer.

The familiar F-15s  have been part of the Honolulu's 
daily scene for a long time.
The pilots who flew those last sorties were in grade school
when the planes were brand-new back inn 1975.

New F-22 Raptors
are already here in Hawaii.
Our rough & ready local Air National Guard
will eventually get 20 of the new jets,
(which cost $361 million each!)

  They seem much louder than the Eagles, but that's OK.
  Harley riders claim that "loud pipes save lives." 
I hope that the loud planes will keep the peace.
In times of insecurity that roar is a 
 powerful confidence builder.

  And here at home,
it is important to be reminded of the awesome power wielded in our name. 

It is a momentous responsibility.

Several hundred US Marines
have recently returned to their families
here on this island.

To see those reunions on our TV news
could make a statue cry!

Are YOU or your family member(s) military veterans
or perhaps veterans of other sorts of social service?

     Thanks for visiting today! cloudia


  1. Love the Jimi Hendix quote! Aloha from soggy Seattle!

  2. After Sept 11, I think we all, especially those of us in NYC, became extremely aware of air traffic of all sorts ... I remember lying in bed late at night and feeling reassured by the sounds of the fight jets patrolling the air space around NYC

  3. My family is not much in the way of the military. I had a brother who was in the National guard and two nephews who were and who actually went to Iraq and fortunately came home safely.

  4. Nice sentiments, ideas, and pics here.
    We normally don't have many jets over Jerusalem. If I hear and see a few F-15s overhead, I always fear a war has started.

    Soon after Pearl Harbor attack, the man who would become my father was sent to Hawaii for army training. He became a B-24 Liberator bomber pilot.

  5. Wow. That's a staggering statement from Hendrix. He may have been sober when he said that, lol.

  6. Cloudia -- Mahalo for a summary of the Honolulu clouds' activities of today. Glad some Marines got to come home. Hope your personal little Navy is staying afloat and dry! DrumMajor

  7. Husband's a veteran, nephew in Iraq. Still, wish we had not need for powerful protection.

  8. Always a stocking-full of great quotes here. My favorite today? G.W.'s quote!


  9. I like the Girl Scout's promise, especially as my youngest granddaughter has joined Rainbow Guides. She is only 5. As for the uncertainties around peace ....... I can't take it all in. Every Blessing

  10. If I'm free, it's because I'm always running.
    Jimi Hendrix

    I wish you a great weekend!
    Best regards from Romania!

  11. When I was in AZ we had the huge spy planes come over, they were so silent until they were right over you.Scary to think where they had been and what they were up to.I am in a virtually no fly zone, even commercial airliners are clear up there. I sat enjoying eagles all day chirping away.

  12. My son is currently in Marine boot camp. He'll be in the reserves, and I pray he never gets deployed!

  13. Several veterans amongst our family and friends, and still have friends who are serving overseas. Thanks for another great post Claudio.

  14. and yes, that should have said Cloudia! My excuse for the typo is that my fingers are freezing!!! I need some of that warm Hawaiian sunshine :)

  15. Always two hands full of air beneath your all wings. Thoughtful entry indeed. Please have a wonderful weekend.

    daily athens

  16. Hugs,

    You dry yet?

    Beautiful Pic, and I get chills and well up with tears whenever I see a flyover. I don't know if I could handle a Raptor. They are so awesome. We have Shaw AFB, 32 miles away, who led a lot of missions in the First Iraq war. F-16 Eagles I think. Also my late Father in Law was a Ret. Lt Colnel who flew B-17's in WWII. He contracted Malria in the Islands but flew on!!



  17. The combination of colours in the cloud formation in the 3rd photo is quite unusual. Great quote from the master blues guitarist Jimi Hendrix. I hope you've dried out after your little emergency.

  18. My father is a veteran and my husband served in the Ntl. Guard. Beautiful pictures Cloudia. I hope you and your home are drying out!!

  19. Hi Cloudia !
    What beautiful skies !
    I love a lot the first quotation.
    The world would be better if everyone thought the same thing.
    ALOHA !

  20. Yes, my husband was in the Air Force and then in the Public Health Service.

    Good gracious! I just read Dina's comment. I realize now that I never did learn much about her family. It's interesting to know her connection to Hawaii.

  21. do you own a sunset or a song..? love this question - have to think about...

  22. beautiful words, your images are always wet and romantic feeling.
    Happy Saturday!
    Happy Holidays.

  23. The Sunsets' on PP are for you! Also--please check latest post and let me know what you think about doing your book.

    Ohh...that sounded RANDY didn't it! Musta been that last ch I read! Awesome stuff!!!

    I LOVE IT!

    Love from SC,


  24. Beautifully said. This reminds me of the North Carolina experience. Forgetting is not possible. It's an amazing experience.

  25. Great post.
    I served IAF for six years. Let peace prevail!

  26. Aloha Cloudia! Those shots of the F-22 are excellent! And Jimi is always great...

    Blogtrotter Two has started to cruise the Nile for you, but without Poirot!! Some interesting shots available… ;) Enjoy and have a great week!

  27. If only everyone would just follow the Girl Scout oath...

  28. Is it for real 'behind every dark cloud there is always a 'silver' lining in the 2nd pix. tQ

  29. Your skies are gorgeous. I love them. The planes are a bit upsetting.
    I love your quotes.

  30. Nice photos and love those quotes! : )

  31. All these are fantastic quotes!
    Thanks a bunch!

    B xx

  32. Aahh.. the Waikiki skies look enviably beautiful, Cloudia!! Loved the quotes, and the tribute you have paid to brave in this post!!

    A beautiful gesture...


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