Saturday, May 7, 2011

What is a "GO Bag?"

Aloha, Dear Friend!

A Rabbit

“The other day when I was walking through the woods,

I saw a rabbit standing in front of a candle

making shadows of people on a tree.”


 Stephen Wright

There he goes! (Nice tail)

"Humor can get in
under the door
while seriousness
is still fumbling at the handle."

G.K. Chesterton

Did you see that?

"Diseases of the soul are more numerous 
and dangerous
than those of the body."


Just another day. . . in Waikiki.  (Glad Y O U stopped by :-)

"Perfect order
is the forerunner
of perfect horror."

Carlos Fuentes


Three times this year,
a tsunami warning,
my boat taking on water at 3:30 am,
We have had to decide what's important.

What do you grab?
Valuables, monetary & sentimental.
Pets. Medications. Papers.
In the case of the tsunami,
you want to take food and simple
"neccessities" that may be in short supply
for some time, if the 'big one' hits.
After what happened in Japan. . .

(and believe me, Hawaii people
are close to the Japanese.
Every day here there is a fundraiser,
or another story
heartrending in it's pain
of what our friends and family
are enduring there.

Hawaii people have contributed
upwards of 3 million USDollars!
And many of us are over there helping.)
. . .So after a disaster like that,
or the flooding in the continental US,
one is grateful for dear normalcy
even if this is the normalcy:

What is your security blanket?

Do you have a "Go Bag" with simple necessities
ready to grab and go?

Believe me, it's better to think before an emergency hits.

Personally, much less is now "necessary."

What do I actually need to be happy?

Our blogs are preserved "on the cloud"
Personal information and pictures
can all be stored there too,
courtesy of Google, Mozy and others.

I'm realizing that, beyond simple health, 
food, shelter, loved ones,
there is little  that is irreplaceable;

After all,
we shall lose "everything" eventually anyway.
You can't take it with you, right?

For me, this means that more of my security
comes from within,
from skills, and from hard won self-confidence too.

My "locus of control" has moved more inside myself
than outside.  That's a good feeling.

My husband marvels that I can give a REIKI treatment
with no equipment, just my hands.

I can provide comfort, pain relief and connection.

As long as I have a heart to think of those around me
I will not sink into despair.

Together we as a whole world are re-evaluating:
"What is necessary? What is truly desirable?"

I think we are finding exciting new answers
to those questions;
Answers that are actually quite old.

"Love one another." "Do unto others."
"True wealth is not material." 

I'm actually quite hopeful, this Arab Spring.

A million minds changed, 
and a thousand-year Berlin Wall fell.

What walls of separation will fall next? 

What is the world changing it's mind about?

blogger, and blog reader,
are part of it!

                             Please leave us a comment!               cloudia


  1. The Cicero quote is moving. And oh so true. Thank you.

    Words of you beneath able to change. A life. Admit that I might have written alike many a times. Yet. They are. From today on I will. Think. Of what's needed.

    A couple of days for maintenance of thoughts and alike from tomorrow, I'd like to wish you a good Sunday and already a nice new week.

    daily athens

  2. If I survive a crisis, I will always have my soul within me. No doubt.

    But to save my body, I have stored a backpack and a sleeping bag in my shed to be grabbed on the go.

  3. It is interesting that we do interpret the cloud formations to something that we think of. I really like the quotes. Thank you for sharing.

    Last week, i've posted something about survival in one of my blog posts. I echo gigihawaii's thoughts.

  4. I would say my dog goes in my go bag, but he would never consent! I'll have to carry his big ole butt!

  5. "Diseases of the soul are more numerous
    and dangerous
    than those of the body."


    Frankly there is an epidemic of diseases eating peoples souls these days.

  6. powerful and wise things to consider. So true, we can take nothing with us. Thank you for your thoughts and sharings.

  7. You have me thinking the Internet is my go bag. The Google folks have made it possible for us to store so much that is important online. If I have to flee but I need my friends, there you are. Very cool. I would grab the kid, the dog, the block of cheese, and run for the hills if disaster were on the way.

  8. I have to admit that I've never thought of having a "go bag" ready to go when disaster strikes. And they say it's only a matter of time until Los Angeles gets hit with a 8 plus earthquake. Thanks for the tip :-)

  9. Oh Cloudia...prayers for the people everywhere...

    We are prepared for lots of emergency situations, but do not have a go-bag, and I know we here in the land of floods and tornadoes.

    Something to think about

  10. Beautiful quotes, lovely thoughts. My husband too marvels at Reiki. I love it, and I love to give it to my friends. Some have felt marvelous changes.

  11. ah, the fam and the phone, maybe a blanket...ha love that first quote...and the rainbow pic...

    aloha from va

  12. Fantastic cloud patterns!
    Happy Sunday!

  13. Thanks !
    Nevertheless, Happy Mother's day !

  14. The cloud images are very beautiful indeed! I do see the bunny..

    Peace n prayers!
    Hugs xox

  15. Wonderful shots - and your questions are worth pondering on for a long while...

  16. Thank you for this wake up call. The only time I dutifully had a 'go bag' was when I was in my last trimester of pregnancy. However, I rushed to the hospital without it and when my DH was told to go back for my 'go bag', he got the wrong one!

  17. I wish I knew how to do Reiki. Art's cousins did that for each other and really swear by it.

    I've put my medication in my emergency bag and a set of clothes and some snacks. Also contact information. Oh dear, I can't remember what else.

  18. I guess I have to make a go bag. I"m not sure what will be in it. Hmmm...

    Love the picture of the rainbow.

  19. I keep a go bag in my vehicle. During the cold months it can be easy to be stranded because of snow.I just leave it in, it is nice for an impromtu trip.

  20. the building looks like it is making clouds
    I love that

  21. Wise words, Cloudia.
    I do like the Chesterton, if we take ourselves a little less seriously we will probably achieve all the more.

    I don't have a grab bag. Everything of importance to me has legs.

  22. My "locus of control" has moved more inside myself than outside .
    Best lines.

  23. I'm security conscious, but do I have an emergency bag? No. I'm assuming that in the face of such disasters as my area is likely to have that I would still have access to my house with its ample provisions.

  24. I So appreciate YOUR comment!

    Thank You

  25. Not a light weight Go Bag, but provisions in case of a mega earthquake. Like Snowbrush, we're assuming we can camp in our backyard. Katrina should have taught us all (and Fukishima retaught us) that in a calamity you'll only be able to rely on yourself. And then it will be your moral obligation to help those around you as best you can.

  26. These clouds have some wonderful tones that invite you to imagine and create forms and figures. Precious these aphorisms. Greetings


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