Monday, June 20, 2011

Life Spirals

A L O H A! 

Welcome Back to Virtual Hawaii

Wild Orchid

" Loneliness 
is the poverty of self;
is the richness
of the
self. "

May Sarton


The Scene

" Inside myself is a place where I live all alone,
 and that's where I renew my springs
that never dry up. "

Pearl S. Buck

Behind the Scenes

“Language ought to be

the joint creation

of poets

and manual workers.”

 George Orwell

Look at the Spiral on That Girl!

“The growth of understanding

follows an ascending spiral

rather than a straight line.”


 Joanna Field 

Look at the nose on that kid!

" A child of five would understand this.
Send someone to fetch a child of five. "
Groucho Marx

Local Style!

" Hawaii is not a state of mind,
but a state of grace.  "

Paul Theroux




Back in the day
a racially integrated band
was not common.

Today we remember a giant,
a BIG man
in every sense of the word:

Clarence Clemmons, 
Bruce Springsteen's friend
and sax player died this past weekend.
His solo from JUNGLELAND 
is an indelible soundtrack and talisman
of our lives.

For a kid growing up across the river from New Jersey
this was the epic poetry of our existence.
Someone else heard the music of the night
as I did.
I guess a lot of people far from NJ
felt the same.

Here is the solo
to listen one more time.
followed by Springsteen's lyrics.

" -and the poets down here
Don't write nothing at all,
they just stand back and let it all be- "

Bruce Springsteen Jungleland Lyrics

The rangers had a homecoming in harlem late last night
And the magic rat drove his sleek machine over the jersey state line
Barefoot girl sitting on the hood of a dodge
Drinking warm beer in the soft summer rain
The rat pulls into town rolls up his pants
Together they take a stab at romance and disappear down flamingo lane

Well the maximum lawman run down flamingo chasing the rat and the barefoot
And the kids round here look just like shadows always quiet, holding hands
From the churches to the jails tonight all is silence in the world
As we take our stand down in jungleland

The midnight gangs assembled and picked a rendezvous for the night
They'll meet `neath that giant exxon sign that brings this fair city light
Man there's an opera out on the turnpike
There's a ballet being fought out in the alley
Until the local cops, cherry tops, rips this holy night
The streets alive as secret debts are paid
Contacts made, they vanished unseen
Kids flash guitars just like switch-blades hustling for the record machine
The hungry and the hunted explode into rocknroll bands
That face off against each other out in the street down in jungleland

In the parking lot the visionaries dress in the latest rage
Inside the backstreet girls are dancing to the records that the d.j. plays
Lonely-hearted lovers struggle in dark corners
Desperate as the night moves on, just a look and a whisper, and they're gone

Beneath the city two hearts beat
Soul engines running through a night so tender in a bedroom locked
In whispers of soft refusal and then surrender in the tunnels uptown
The rats own dream guns him down as shots echo down them hallways in the
No one watches when the ambulance pulls away
Or as the girl shuts out the bedroom light

Outside the streets on fire in a real death waltz
Between flesh and what's fantasy and the poets down here
Don't write nothing at all, they just stand back and let it all be
And in the quick of the night they reach for their moment
And try to make an honest stand but they wind up wounded, not even dead
Tonight in jungleland


  1. Loved the second quote by Pearl ,the lady with spirals,the kid with funny nose and the wild Orchid.Aloha Cloudia :)

  2. A lovely tribute to Clarence Clemmons. Thanks for sharing his words and music. Your photos and quotes are always a great start to my morning, to any time of the day.

    Aloha my friend. D :)

  3. I had not heard that Clarence Clemmons passed away. I'm so sad! That's a lovely tribute you gave him, Cloudia.

    Love the remark about the spirals.

  4. beautiful tribute to Clarence, I am so saddened by his death
    he was a giant of a man in many ways

  5. Fun photos and a wonderful tribute to Mr Clemmons, may he rest in peace

  6. What a treat for my eyes and ears this morning! Pearl S. Buck is such a wise person! just love the feel of that meaning...and renewing the springs within me....and nice touch with the behind the scenes at The Scene, reminding us of those and the NEED of taking care of things! Take care!

  7. What delightful shots! And such wonderful quotes. So sad to hear of Clarence's death...

  8. “Language ought to be
    the joint creation
    of poets
    and manual workers.”

    George Orwell

    Read of book essays by Eric Blair once, he was a very interesting and troubled man.

  9. Definitely sorry to see Clarence Clemmons go.

  10. Hello Cloudia...coming by a monday morning to see what's up here..

  11. Have never read the words of that song before Cloudia.

  12. Beautiful post, Cloudia, full of many interesting things! Nice pictures, I like Paul Theroux's quote.
    Have a pleasant day :-)

  13. Look at the Spiral on That Girl! I would but the dang board is in the way!

    I Love Clarence..had the pleasure of seeing him!

    Miss you C! and I'll try to be better.....but some small bumps have arisen in the road! Nothing a 4 wheeler can't handle!

    Blessings my Friend,


  14. Fantastic tribute to Clarence Clemmons he sure knew how to play the saxaphone a sad loss to music indeed :-).

  15. Aloha, Cloudia!

    Beautiful tribute to a true American bandsman. I was saddened to hear of his passing.

    Thanks as always for the joy and good tidings of your blog posts. Always nice to come here and take in some sun. ;-)

  16. Lovely peeks at the beauty of your neighborhood. Kudos on your tribute to Clarence Clemmons.
    Where do you research all your amazing quotes?

  17. I love "the local style" !
    Have a sweet day Cloudia,


  18. Beautiful shots again Cloudia, and my internet allowed me to listen to Clemmons - just amazing what he could get out of a sax !

  19. That Groucho Marx quote made me laugh Cloudia, that's how I feel when I'm around anything technical, I'm sure a five year old understands it better than me haha! I also enjoyed the music, thank you.

  20. I think Orwell was so nearly right in saying it ought to be - in fact, I think it is!

  21. Been sort of busy lately but today os the day for me to read yesterday's post. Thank you sista'

  22. You've reminded me how beautiful a thing solitude find my inner tranquility...thank you :)

  23. The behind the scenes workers do a fabulous job!

  24. wonderful words and pictures!

    betty xx

  25. You live in paradise, sister.

  26. Quotes seem to find me- and of course there's google :)


  27. Awesome trib to Clarence C. And, as always, your quotes and pics are da best!

  28. Hi Cloudia, stop by my blog & pick up your award!


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