Saturday, June 18, 2011

Pluterperfect Plumeria

Welcome Back to Virtual Waikiki

The common Plumeria;
often a Hawaii child's first lei, a gift for Mom.

" Mama was my greatest teacher, 
a teacher of compassion, love and fearlessness. 
If love is sweet as a flower, 
then my mother is that sweet flower of love. "

Stevie Wonder

Called "church yard flower" or "make man's flower"
(Mah-kay = dead) for it's ubiquity in isle grave yards.

"Love is the flower you've got to let grow."
                  John Lennon

 Named for the 17th Century French botanist Plumier -
(First Known Use: 1753).
Fitting since reminds me of fleur de lis.

"Love is flower like;
Friendship is like a sheltering tree."
Samuel Taylor Coleridge


Rhymes with PLUMERIA:

Algeria, Assyria, asteria, bacteria, diphtheria, Egeria, Elyria, Iberia, Illyria, Liberia, Nigeria, porphyria, Siberia, wisteria.  


 Also known as Frangipani

 "Any of a genus (Plumeria) of shrubs or small trees 
of the dogbane family that are native to the
American tropics
and widely cultivated as ornamentals." 
" Nobody sees a flower really; 
it is so small. We haven't time,
and to see takes time - 
like to have a friend takes time.  "

Georgia O'Keeffe

A modification of Italian frangipane,
  from Muzio Frangipane, 
a 16th century Italian nobleman.
First Known Use: 1675.

" One could not pluck a flower
without troubling a star.  "

Loren Eiseley 


" Pick a flower on Earth
and you move the farthest star.  "

Paul Dirac


Rhymes with FRANGIPANI:
Hindustani, hootenanny

" Personality is to a man
what perfume is to a flower.  "

Charles M. Schwab


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            Join our party in 'Comments'     cloudia


  1. Sometimes I can put myself back in Hawaii. I remember having a lei of Plumeria and burying my nose in its intoxicating scent. Heavenly!

  2. I cannot take a decent picture of a flower. At best I get lucky and take one but its only when I leave the camera on automatic.

    Great pictures as always Cloudia.

  3. always got a love a Loren Eiseley quote. What a writer he was.

  4. I love plumeria blooms. Although a lot of tropical plants do thrive here, plumerias don't...

  5. frangipani frangipani fran gi pani

    (it's fun to say!)

  6. You Know, I Love this flower


  7. Such a lovely flower. But I especially love the fourth photo in the bunch. The colours are just so saturated and rich. Beautiful.

  8. These are beautiful photos, and what an amazing flower.

  9. Lovely flowers and words...
    Have a nice day,
    Regards from France Cloudia,


  10. I've often wondered what flower a Lei was made from now i know :-).

  11. Beautiful pictures. Inspiring words.

  12. It must be so wonderful to be around such lovely flowers.

  13. Lovely pics, quotes, and flower! Aloha from Cajun country!

  14. It's always a pleasure to look at your post Cloudia, uplifting I think is the word!!

  15. Ah - beautiful blooms. I adore frangipani!

  16. got to love Hawaii and Hawaiian flowers!

    betty xx

  17. I can almost smell them - thankyou. x

  18. As always your photos are breathaking Cloudia. I expecially like the quote from Stevie Wonder. Franjapani. I must find a sample of the essential oil to use in my eo potions. Blessings to you.

  19. Gosh, thank YOU!

    FYI, we make lei out of many flowers and greens.

    In my wedding post last week, we say MAILE lei on the Groom and his groomsmen.

    That is the lei a dignitary wears, or is untied at a ceremonial opening!

  20. Flowers and plants, one has to treat
    them with care and love!!!!


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