Monday, July 11, 2011


ALOHA & Thank YOU for Visiting!

"There seems to be some perverse human characteristic
 that likes to make easy things difficult,"

Warren Buffet

“The more you lose yourself
 in something bigger than yourself,
 the more energy you will have.”

 Norman Vincent Peale

" I thank you God for this most amazing day,
 for the leaping greenly spirits of trees,
 and for the blue dream of sky
 and for everything which is natural,
 which is infinite, which is yes. "

e.e. cummings

< ° ) } } > <

Why are you NOT
updating my new posts
in reader
and in links
on others' blogs?!



Don't forget me, Friends!


      Fondly, cloudia


  1. I live in a padded fear of what blogger can do to me.


    Greetings from the hot and humid Midwest,


  2. NEVER FORGOTTEN!!!! :) Everything was going particularly whacky for me yesterday. I could not comment on any of the blogs I went to. Ah well, all seems to be okay today, and I am saying this on a wing and a prayer :) Great photos and great quotes as always, and thank you so much for stopping by the other day and wishing me a Happy Birthday :)

  3. Dear Cloudia I like very much the second and the third consideration. Have a nice day!
    Ciao from Italy.

  4. I would switch to wordpress, but am too busy (lazy?)

    did you see the surf contest in Waikiki this weekend? My daughter was working it, selling T-shirts for Aloha Board shop and her line of shell barrettes.

  5. Oh I heard about those cool barrettes!

    thanks for visiting everybody!!!!!

  6. There's My girl! WTH is going on----even my pics of subscribers in the sidebar is not updating--things are disappearing! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

    anyhoo-- Hugs from the Far East!

    I may do a switch, but I'm afraid of all I'd lose!!

    Big hugs C!!!!

    PS: Got Mark's new book in the mail today!

    A-Heeeemmmm---WHEN is YOUR next one due???


    I guess you better let me know if you get this!

  7. yeah blogger is frustrating sometimes!


  8. This is so peculiar! Not only is it not coming up in the correct order on my blog side bar, but the new title isn't showing.

    Are you using Firefox? Do try. The Explorer browser doesn't seem to get along with Blogspot.

  9. I am so sorry that blogger is being mean to you - which I didn't realise until I saw your comment on another post. Hope blogger PULLS ITS SOCKS UP, and gets it right soon. Or earlier than that even.

  10. Cloudia, never fear, I visit your blog daily regardless of lack of notification. I have your blog on my Favorites List (Internet Explorer).

  11. Cloudia, I have your nice blog in the blogroll list in my sidebar. As regards other updates, I don't know because I have a Blogger Classic Template which hasn't all the functions of the New Templates.
    Happy Monday :-)

  12. Whenever Blogger acts weird, I have to remember it is the child of the most powerful force in the universe, Google. And when I think "free," I become docile. But confused, nonetheless. It's good to stop here and see your beautiful blog.

  13. you are unforgettable!!

    namaste /\ from mumbai

  14. I especially look forward to your quotes, like the ee cummings' one today.

  15. Hello, Hello, Hello- is there anybody in there, just nod if you can here me: is there anyone at home???? Floyd calling, ring ring.......



  16. I shall not forget ~~!

    p.s. what Denise says was true for me -- some kind of weird Cyberville sunset ;->

  17. Lovely quotes, as always. Beautiful post Cloudia!

  18. Love that ee cummings poem! Fabulous.

  19. thanks to EACH of you dears for stopping by and your amazing support!

  20. Don't fret we won't forget you hope your blogger issues are cleared up shortly. I've seen that building with the rainbow featured on Hawaii Five-O :-).

  21. Dear claudia

    I know when you say those quotes,you mean them too!


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