Monday, September 19, 2011

LifeStyle Shock

A L O H A !

Our New View

" Home is a name,
a word,
it is a strong one; 
stronger than magician ever spoke,
or spirit ever answered to,
in the strongest conjuration.  "

Charles Dickens

Ala Moana Beach Park
" The light is what guides you home,
the warmth is what keeps you there.  "

Ellie Rodriguez

The Ala Wai Canal

" We shape our buildings;
thereafter they shape us.  "

Winston Churchill

S P A C E !
" Peace - 
that was the other name for home. "

Kathleen Norris

" There is nothing like staying at home
for real comfort. "

Jane Austen

This will take some getting used to.

" Where thou art - that - is Home.  "

Emily Dickinson


View from my bed
" Tis distance lends enchantment
to the view, 
and robes the mountain 
in its azure hue.  "

Thomas Campbell

_ -=<>=-_

We are in lifestyle shock.
WE have spent 2 nights in the new apt.

It is like waking
from the 20 year dream
of the boat.

That cramped hot place
 was an adventure
for quite a while.

I am remembering
what conveniences

Miss Kitty
is adjusting better
than anyone has the right
to expect from a cat:
"Boat? What boat?"
First she seemed suspicious,
then appraising,
now appreciating;

This is where the love,
and food (!)

I can lie in my bed
watch the sky,
the mountains,
the habitations of people:
my beloved
Island of Oahu.

Dear Honolulu.

I watch evening come to the land,
and remember
like a previous life
what it was like
to live upon those

Then I look to the sea,
the sunset,
and thank my lucky stars
as they arise!

Thanks for stopping by.

Your encouragement
and kitty advice
is much appreciated.

         Warmly, cloudia

I am remembering who I was
before we went to sea.


Home is a place not only of strong affections, but of entire unreserve; it is life's undress rehearsal, its backroom, its dressing room.  ~Harriet Beecher Stowe


  1. Enjoy it all!!!!!!! :)) good luck.

  2. Home is where the heart is, yesss! Enjoy the warmth.

  3. Congratulations to you and Tom! I know you love it up there. I am so glad you have such great views from your apartment.

  4. Congrats! on settling in. You deserve such comfort. And those were powerful quotes about the home. Home truly is where the heart is. And comforts are nice too.

  5. Welcome to your new home...looks like you're in the crows nest now!


  6. BRAVO!! So glad for you! And such fantastic views here. I am psyched just looking at all of it!

  7. Oh lions and no tigers and no bears...but what a high place for kitty....oh my...but kitty will do just fine....fresh air a must, but your love is more important...and your new journey always today is the first day of the rest of your life! Love your view!

  8. Gorgeous view .So happy for you :)Enjoy :)

  9. avast, ye landlubbers... enjoy the new digs... arrrrrrrrrh! ;)

  10. It must feel very different.. and spacious! Love the view. Welcome HOME!

  11. So we get a tour? You have quite a view. What kitty wouldn't love it. Enjoy, enjoy!

  12. Love the view! You look pretty well settled in!! Congratulations!

  13. What a big change - a huge transition. Hope you get your land legs soon.
    Beautiful views for you.
    A new adventure.
    Happy happy.

  14. I certainly wouldn't mind spending some time on a boat, but I do think it would a bit tough to live on one for a long time.

  15. Wow! Thank you for posting so soon after the move. I am glad that the four legged purrer has settled and hope the same applies to you. The views are spectacular.

  16. Wow - you certainly do have the most magnificent views! Glad to hear you are enjoying your new lifestyle.

  17. I am so very happy for you Cloudia!! And pleased to hear that kitty is getting along well! Your views are spectacular!!! I wish I could visit Hawaii. Perhaps one day.

    Enjoy all that lovely space!!!

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. 20 years on a boat is an amazing feat these days. I know of nobody else who has done so, save the odd lifetime naval personal I have met. but even they tend to call it quits at the 20 year mark.

    Love the sunset pictures, a life affirming flame from the heavens.

  20. Bonza views and more space than you can shake a stick at, well done :-).

  21. Congrats on your new home! It is beautiful and the views are gorgeous! So happy for you, cher! Cheers!

  22. Party on, Cloudia! Your new views are inspiring. Inside is beautiful too.

  23. I see i've missed a lot of your latest news! I am glad that you are happy in your new home. That is indeed the only place where you can really be yourself. Lovely to hear that your cat is getting used to her new abode.
    Have a great time!

  24. I could live in the view, find a place in that panorama.

  25. Oh la la Cloudia you are so high, what a magnificent view you have there, it must be so very odd after all those years afloat! Does it feel like you're on holiday? Kitty will be happy wherever YOU are I bet!! Enjoy!!!!

  26. Enjoy the amenities! It won't be long before you take them for granted.

  27. Oh Cloudia - how lovely! I am so thrilled for you and what views!

  28. WOW fabulous views Cloudia.

    Welcome to your new home!

    I imagine you miss the boat a little though eh?

  29. Yay for space and conveniences! What a great view :)

  30. Enjoy your new life! What wonderful views from your apartment!

  31. New home? Congrats! Home sweet home! : )

  32. Yes, of course, home is in our hearts. So glad you're enjoying your new space. What beautiful views you have.

  33. "i am remembering who i was before we went to sea"...


  34. yes, it does feel like a vacation/holiday!

    Yes, we will get used to it, but I'm quite dazzled;

    Your sweet visits/comments really 'make' the day though. thanks SO much, Friends :)

    Miss the boat? I did have a BIG cry about that episode ending the other night...

  35. Oh, I know exactly where you live. Pretty sweet, I must say.

  36. A bit like being a bird. Impressive view indeed.

  37. oh wow life changes...i hope that you both learn to enjoy it much..

    aloha from va

  38. Aloha Coudia.

    Looks like an equal mix of land and sky! Best wishes on your new home.


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