Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Rainbow Gazebo

A L O H A !

“ When the Earth is sick,
the animals will begin to disappear,
when that happens,
The Warriors of the Rainbow
will come to save them. ”

Chief Seattle

" Just stop for a minute 
and you'll realize you're happy
just being.
 I think it's the pursuit
that screws up happiness.
 If we drop the pursuit, it's right here. "

James Hillman

“Don't pay any attention to the critics-
don't even ignore them.”

 Samuel Goldwyn 

 > < } } ( ° >

Now where were we?

I'm sitting in my new apartment.
Hubby has gone to work
(SOMEBODY has to!)
I have vacuumed my rugs,
washed the bare tile floors,
cleaned up the place
and run a load of laundry.

"Why is she telling us
this mundane stuff?"

Because to me
it is quite extraordinary!

I don't know what to DO with myself
in this new environment.

But losing myself 
in this ever-changing view
feels irresistable.

If none of this makes sense to you
click HERE for the back-story.

Thanks for stopping here.
Your visit is appreciated.
       Warmly, cloudia


  1. I do apologize for not being around lately either Cloudia. I don't have access to a computer as often as I would like. First and formoremost you must do a spiritual blessing of your new sacred place. You never know who lived in your new place before you. There could have been much love, but there could have been much confusion and hate, arguments, death, fights, or sickness. You can look online or reads books on how to do a smudge. Wishing you all the best. Mozel Tov!! Cheers!!

  2. Oh, how I love mundane! your new life sounds exciting and peaceful at the same time. Wow, what a summer you've had.
    Blessings on your new place too.

  3. The mundane can be a blessing at times.

  4. Now you work more than on your boaat!
    Ciao from Italy.

  5. I love your gratitude and appreciation of the small things. And I am in awe of your ability to be ready to post again so soon after your move. Thanks.

  6. I love your style of living, and what a life, everything is gorgeous.

  7. Being mundane is good. I've no doubt at all that you'll find something creative to pass the time of day :-).

  8. What did you do in the boat?

    What do you do when the work is done?

    Come and tell us about it of course!

  9. What an adventure. Wishing you all the very best.

  10. Thank YOU!

    The boat was a WHOLE other level of work, grime, and challenges - this is a breeze!

  11. OH MY GOODNESS....... chills! that gave me chills!!!!!!!!! Love the quotes, your pictures and your words. Thank you for uplifting me!

  12. That isn't mundane..you're enjoying and getting the feel of your new home. Nothing mundane about that!

  13. Good to know you're settling in. Having that view of yours must be really hard to get to work, no?

  14. Wow, wow and wow, Ms. Cloudia! What an adjustment, a desirable one though. We also deserve a chance to feel really safe wherever we live and sleep, no matter our age or anxiety level. You deserve all good things as far as I'm concerned, how are hubby and kitty doing?

  15. I can only imagine what it might be like. I can understand how exciting it must be for you. Love that first pic.. how whimsical.

  16. So good to hear your happiness!!!!

  17. Glad you are happy, Cloudia. Hope you are writing a 2nd book...

  18. That washer and dryer all to yourself must be a nice change. From the pics, its probably closer to launch your kayak at the Ala Wai canal then to lug it to the beach, lol.

  19. Loved the three quotes. Long ago, I imagined myself to be one of the Rainbow Warriors; now, I am too disillusioned! James Hillman's words is the one single quote one should remember always. Thanks Claudia!

  20. This is wonderful Cloudia. There can be pure bliss in the mundane.

  21. Love the hula class!!

    Enjoy the amenities of apartment life... vacuuming a carpet. You don't do that on a boat!!

  22. My internet is working tonight (whoo hoo !) and I can actually go back and see all the posts I've missed in the last while. So nice to follow your adventures in moving and adjusting to life in the clouds (fits your name well ?). Beautiful shots, and many words of wisdom; love this quote from James Hillman (how true) and that of one of my favorite writers (MT) !

    Enjoy your new space. Aloha !

  23. I think you were really ready for this change Cloudia, don't spend too much time cleaning, I can't imagine there would be much mess after the initial move, relax and enjoy this next stage in your life. Love the Samuel Goldwyn quote.

  24. I love that first quote by Chief Seattle - not that the animals would disappear, but if they do, the Warriors of the Rainbow will come to save them. That is so beautiful.

    And enjoy that new place. So exciting.

  25. Wonderful sky in the second shot!

    See You


  26. Congrats on your new place, darling!


  27. If you run out of stuff to clean and still feel like it...

  28. I sure know the feeling about being able to throw in a load of laundry and not have to drive there to do it! Sometimes we do forget some of those little things that are right there under our grasp...but this last winter for a brief while I couldn't just go to my laundry room I had to drive to one....although there are merits to that as well....depending on who you may chat with at the laundry mat! I just love hearing about your new life style, it brings to light those little things we often ignore! Happy findings!

  29. I love the rainbow woman

    and I'm so happy that you're enjoying your new place
    mundane can be wonderful

  30. I'm still half blind from the leggings that woman in the top photo is wearing. :)

  31. Best of luck getting used to your new space


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