Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Emptiness Within

A L O H A !
Everybody Hurts by R.E.M. on Grooveshark

Cue the orchestra! Let the morning's overture
hint at today's themes

"Thanks to a benevolent arrangement
the greater part of life is sunshine. "

Thomas Jefferson

" Nature gives you the face
you have at twenty;
it is up to you to merit the face
you have at fifty.  "

Coco Chanel


" I never forget a face,
but in your case
I'll be glad to make an exception. "
Groucho Marx

A Tree once had an indentation.

Does it really matter HOW it happened,
or why?

Because the tree had a hollow 
it felt different from others.

Realizing the futility,
at last,
of hiding that void,
the tree frankly surrendered
to simply feeling empty

One moonless night,
a night as dark and empty
as the tree with the hollow
something happened. 

Where the lack had been
a SPACE emerged;
A welcoming refuge
and mirror
for the creatures
of the wood.

Drawn to the tree's
humble emptiness,
much like their own,
they filled it

" Nobody has to guess
That Baby can't be blessed
Till she finally sees
that she's like all the rest "

Bob Dylan

'Just Like A Woman





   > < } } ( ° >

Thank YOU
each of YOU-

In Kuala Lumpur
or Mumbai,
Great Britain
or Perth;

Skoog Farm
or New York City,

or Malaysia,

 New England.


or Detroit-

Thank YOU
for being JUST like me-

though EACH of you is 

This relationship that we enjoy
is a blessing.


we are repairing the breach
and healing the world;
EACH in our own little 
'insignificant' lives.

I Love US!

Thanks for being a big part of it all

Fondly, cloudia


  1. again lovely words....and love the buddha image!!

  2. A true blessing indeed. Thank you for the lovely visit, Cloudia.

  3. I like the scars on my bark each one signifies at one time or another I chose life and was willing to fight for it. We fight for it still even though outgunned we will never be out manned.

  4. Just this past weekend I was musing over a tree. Only instead of a hole, it had a big round growth. But I liked the growth.

    Great pics, great words!

  5. Good Morning Cloudia! I am very honored to be included on you list. As all of us have found out, there is great comfort in your writing, and the photography is the frosting on the cake.

    Hello Kitty Kitty.

  6. A beautiful and loving post, thank you my friend.

  7. Right back at you Cloudia, it's a lot of fun and very informative to visit pals all over the world and get a different perspective on daily life, and hey I wish I'd heard the Coco Channel advice 20 years ago haha!!

  8. Emptiness must be filled. Better with love than anything else.

  9. The tree looks wise, like from Tolkien's forests. Maybe it was a boulder from a hurricane, maybe from Pearl Harbor. Ask Barack Obama about that neighborhood tree; he'd know. Looks like a spot to curl up and nap safely. DrumMajor

  10. Very nice post Cloudia....i like the second piture very much.

    Greetings, Joop

  11. " Nature gives you the face
    you have at twenty;
    it is up to you to merit the face
    you have at fifty. "

    Coco Chanel

    I've earned every wrinkle on my 62 year old face. :)

  12. Aloha Cloudia! Absolutely a blessing! I do make it a habit of stopping by here with a cup of coffee before venturing out into my day!....I'm especially glad today after reading your Tree's story..... thank you for sharing this with us Cloudia!

  13. You have such an amazing POV of life. Thanks so much for sharing. Lovely statue. I finally read the reviews of book! Sorry it took so long. I really don't know what the hold-up was. That's wonderful, Cloudia. Can't wait to read. Cheers!!

  14. Really inspiring post, Cloudia. It's a great way to start the day!

  15. Lovely post and pics! Thanks for including my state! Have a great day!

  16. I love this post, so positive! Thank you :), Miriam@Meatless Meals For Meat Eaters

  17. Wonderful always give me a good feeling when I come visit. Thank you. =)

  18. I can relate to the Coco Chanel quote because i've earnt every wrinkle on my face :-).

  19. Great post!

    " I never forget a face, but in your case I'll be glad to make an exception. " Groucho Marx

    Groucho was the best, we need more like him now.

  20. It is door and cups which become useful due to their emptiness. A comfort thought fills the mind. Thank you. Please have a good Thursday.

    daily athens photo

  21. it's true...our sunny faces and supportive comments really put the smile into our community....loving you too!....aloha from cold, snowy canada!

  22. I like the first shot very much.
    Ciao cara Cloudia!

  23. So enjoyed this post! That REM tune is one of my favorites. I so appreciate sharing the road with you via blogs. A rich blessing!

  24. Lovely! Many blessings to embrace! :)

  25. Great quotes shared... I will share one in FB.

  26. Namaste!

    Means: I salute the divine in You.

    I deeply FEEL your aloha for me and it is overwhelming- Thanks to EACH of you.

  27. thank you....

    namaste /\ from mumbai

  28. What wonderfully inspiring words!

  29. May our friendships prosper in the world wide web !!!

  30. Thank you for always reminding us of what is truly important.

  31. What an amazing blog you've got here! I'll be back, for sure.

  32. I love the Buddha, he is always smiling, the photos are tremendous.

  33. So nice to read your messages of love. Thank you for your wonderful thoughts.

  34. What a perfectly lovely post. Thank YOU, Cloudia.


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