Monday, November 28, 2011

Hawaiian Independence Day

A  L  O  H  A !
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"When that memory leaves,
then we lose the identity
of who we are."

 Mahealani Asing

" The whole moon and
the entire sky
are reflected
 in one dewdrop
on the grass. "


" I believe above all 
that I wanted to build
the palace of my memory,
because my memory  
is my only homeland. "
Anselm Kiefer

 Today is the 168th anniversary

of La Kuokoa,

Hawaiian Independence Day 

Nov. 28, 1843.

  La Kuokoa, was observed as a Hawaii holiday from 1844 to 1895,
when the U.S. government replaced it with Thanksgiving. 

On this day we recall Timoteo Haalilio,
Kingdom of Hawaii diplomat 
who worked tirelessly 
to achieve  the Kingdom's
  independence in 1843.

On Nov. 28, 1843,  Haalilio received signatures
from both the French 
and the British governments
declaring Hawaii a sovereign nation.

Our Pacific archipelago was the first
non-European nation 
to be so recognized a sovereign state.
( according to contemporary Hawaiian Nationalists

Haalilio is a national hero that almost no one
but scholars or activists know about..

He was urgently dispatched
by King Kamehameha III in 1842
to the United States, and on to Europe,
to negotiate those treaties.
Such agreements were extremely precious
in the frankly imperial world politic of that time.

Haalilio traversed the United States
(almost unimaginably vast to an island guy)
to meet with President John Tyler.
The US President agreed
with the brown skinned diplomat
from a tropical island group,
endorsing Hawaii's independence.  

Haalilio's Honolulu traveling companion was one
William Richards.

 According to the Encyclopædia Britannica:

"William Richards,  (born Aug. 22, 1793, Plainfield, Mass., U.S.—
died Nov. 7, 1847, Hawaiian Islands),
 American missionary
who helped to promote a liberal constitutional monarchy 
in the Hawaiian Islands. "

A few years back, Kekuni Blaisdell, MD shared with a local reporter
Richards' journal description of Haalilio's death by tuberculosis on Dec. 3, 1844, 
during the final leg of their voyage home to Hawaii.

  The Hawaiian diplomat was but 36 years old.

Kapua Keliikoa-Kamai, who is part Hawaiian, told the Honolulu Star Bulletin that it was
"outrageous" that she never learned about Hawaiian Independence Day,
"It's something so significant to learn about after only 45 years."

I would have to say that I agree. 
As a patriotic American
I also hold a special place
in my heart
for the unextinguished sovereignty 
in the hearts
of the the Hawaiian people
and for their culture
which has hosted,
and healed
my heart.

As a guest, and immigrant 
I know that I owe my hearth, community, identity,
and lifestyle
to the hospitality of my adopted island home
and her indigenous people.

Like Solomon,
I hope no one will cut
the political HAWAII in two.
Like Jesus advises,
I proudly render unto my Nation her due,
and unto the heartfelt Kingdom Of Hawaii
an altogether different level of fealty and love.
the Hawaiian People
should have a land base;
a place in their own islands,
and the means
to perpetuate their precious
ways & rights.

I'm a happy duel citizen, 
of Hawaii & USA;
of this world, and the next.

Are YOU patriotic 
about YOUR local place/people/culture-
are you more a citizen of the 
nation? The world?
Join us in comments

& Thank YOU for visiting- 
                                                                                                warmly, cloudia


  1. A wonderful piece of Hawaiian History. Happy Independence Day to Hawaii! I am very patriotic to the USA, but I also love the country of my birth.

  2. Happy Hawaiian Independence Day Cloudia, you have to admire Haalilio's commitment to his homeland! I think perhaps your heart is now a little more than half Hawaiian to oui! I don't know, I was born in Scotland, grew up in Africa and now have been many years in Australia but also have the fantasy that I'd love to live in Paris (which probably would be better to stay a fantasy in case of disappointment)but for the moment I would say I'm definitely committed to Western Australia!

  3. I remember learning the history of Hawaii in school, but its been a long time. Thanks for the history lesson! I was born and raised in Michigan and live in California. Visited two thirds of the states including Hawaii. I love meeting people and learning something about the diverse cultures that make up our national mosaic of personalities.

  4. Does this mean people get the day off?

    Happy Independence Day!

  5. Woohoo!!! Happy 'Hawaiian Independence Day'! Your photos are just magnificent and truly brightened this dull Ozark day.

    All my pretties have turned crispy brown...not my favorite color. Heeehehehe!

    God bless ya and enjoy this day! :o)

  6. bad!!!

    I wanted to let ya know... place...ya'll come! :o)

  7. Very nice pictures Cloudia,
    i wish you a happy independence day.

    bye, Joop

  8. Very inspiring. I am a GLOBAL CITIZEN. Cheers!!

  9. Wow! How have I missed this batch of Hawaiian history? Mahalo for the information; would love to read more about it. Bee-u-tiful photos...born an Okie, sittin' in Kansas, but Hawaiian at Heart. Aloha, DrumMajor

  10. I wish you an Happy Hawaiian Independence Day!
    Shots well done, dear Cloudia!

  11. History is fascinating .. thanks, I learned something new today

  12. I can understand! Born in Utah... I was raised in France and Saudi Arabia as a youngster...later in life I lived in Arizona and Nevada. I haven't come to some big transcendental conclusion about it, but on a personal level I feel more southwestern in American.=)

  13. these comments are revealing and SO interesting. NICE to know YOU better!


    for breathing life into this space on the web - our space to support and appreciate each other :-)

  14. Bleu, brown, grey, black, yellow, how many colours can you put in one cloud picture.


  15. Happy Independence Day to all Hawaiians. I'm a true blue Aussie through and through Oi!, Oi!, Oi! :-).

  16. Happy Hawaiian Independence Day!

    Learned about the forced annexation of Hawaii from an army buddy who was/is a native Hawaiian. It is a shameful episode in American history and while I do not endorse the casual breakup of nations if the Hawaiian people voted to leave the USA I would wish them the best.

  17. Happy Independence Day for you all.

    Being of German origin, it turned out to be difficult currently to say from where I am, as nearly everyone blames this country for the difficulties over here.

    Learned the local language in three years, obtained a diploma in Greek though. Sad indeed, that politics seem many times to be stronger than people themselves.

    Please have a good Tuesday.

    daily athens photo

  18. Yes, a German residing in Athens might well feel torn between to different ways of seeing the current Greek crises. Yes, politics sometimes (always?) over master the lives of us individuals. I'm sure Anne Frank would agree.

    Thanks to EACH of YOU who thoughtfully and kindly spend your valuable time here with us!

  19. Sometimes you lose an identity, sometimes you find one.
    Do they ruin(just a little)the day with store sales? ~Mary

  20. I see myself as a person on a planet :)

    I love the line 'my memory is my homeland'

  21. Happy Independence Day!
    beautiful pictures!!

  22. We are definitely in the habit of taking things from other people and making a virtue of it. Thanks for this remarkable story.

  23. My vaca to southern California (as close to HI as I may get this year) raised in me ardent loyalty to the East Coast. It's so varied and weathered.

  24. Happy Independence Day. I love learning about your home, through your photos, your quotes and your words. Thank you so much.

  25. lovely peek into history!

    namaste /\ from mumbai

  26. I'm not patriotic at all... I believe we are joined by our common humanity, no matter where we are born. It's where we are going that really matters.

  27. Happy Independence Day to all you Hawaiians - native and transplanted!

  28. This is cool. LOVE hearing this stuff! thank you

  29. Utterly well said, Cloudia. Hawaiians have suffered greatly since the coming of the west. Thank you for recognizing their struggle.

  30. Best Wishes for happy Independence Day!

  31. thanks for the history lesson.

    ...and happy belated Hawaiian independence day!


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