Sunday, November 20, 2011

Natalie Wood

The Sun Is Gray by Natalie Wood on Grooveshark

" At night, 
when the sky is full of stars
 and the sea is still 
you get the wonderful sensation
 that you are floating in space. " 

Natalie Wood

"When you are sorrowful
 look again in your heart, 
and you shall  see
that in truth
you are weeping for that
which has been your
delight. "

 Kahlil Gibran

This is the boat from which Natalie departed this life,
docked here in Honolulu

"I like being on the water
 or near the water,
 but not in the water."

Natalie Wood


 it is because she grew up before our eyes
in the movies
that Natalie Wood seemed more than
a "movie star."

There was something
 very individual,
and familiar
 about her.

She was beautiful too,
but in an unassuming,
un-brassy way.

Like an ancient hero
she was taken too soon,
 taken into 
the realm of 
the immortals.

The boat from upon which
 she sailed
from land for the last time
has been re-sold,
and docked here in Honolulu
for many years.

Now that the case surrounding her death
is being re-examined
officials are coming over from California
to scrutinize the vessel.

was my college lab science.
The professor told us
that he would give us extra credit
for every weather-related news story
we clipped/printed
and brought to class.

"How many weather stories can there BE?"
I wondered.

But that turned out to be
just what he was teaching us:
the importance of weather,
( once you notice it )
all over the world
week after week.

I had no problem
finding such a story
every week,
all semester.

Have YOU found
that visiting Hawaii
 via this blog
has been a little 
like that?

Here on the most remote islands
on Earth,
my life MUST be quite different
from yours
-and yet-
there always seems to be
that I find
 to present to 
Y O U.

In this case,
my connection to Natalie
goes beyond sharing a harbor 
for many years
with the 'death boat.'

When the film
"Inside Daisy Clover" came out
I was the same age
 as the character she played:
a tom-boy who mostly raised herself.

If you watch,
really watch,
the performance at the beginning
 of the video below,
you will see an extraordinary
that spoke deeply to me
as an adolescent;

A yearning,
a determination,
a 'self-pumping up'
an unconventionality
that I really identified with.

You're Gonna Hear From ME
Thanks for letting us hear from
Y O U 
in comments

                                            warmly, cloudia

Inside Daisy Clover HERE


  1. Enjoy your sunday and feel free to visit and comment my older post Cloudia !
    Greetings from France,


  2. When I was little, like eight, somebody left an LP of West Side Story around the house, and I loved it. I always liked Natalie Wood, and I like her in the opening of this. I see why you do, too! But that whole practice interview was hurl-worthy. Plus, I actually cringed at the transformation from tomboy to ballroom diva. That was like seeing Shane in a dress on the L Word.

  3. uh huh, i get up every morning and do a song and dance number like that. honest!

  4. Although my grandmother was clearly off base to assume anything she never liked Robert Wagner again after hearing about Natalie's passing.

  5. I've never seen that film but having watched the clip I get where you're coming from Cloudia. :)

  6. isn't it an eerie feeling (especially with something like motion picture, because from some reason watching something again, and that reference from a movie or the television can really accent how you were feeling during the time you first saw it. But you didn't even realize your mood, or your spirit until you watch that clip again and you notice a subtle but definite change. And then you remember a feeling vividly, and you also vividly remember the past's event back then when your memory revisits it today, when now was the present experience then, everything seemed uneventful and normal but with the memory comes a feeling that wasn't previously recognized.

    that spirit can hit you like a ton of bricks. And sometimes you can recognize those feelings and thoughts in others. Not just having someone tell you about a feeling or being able to sympathize or understand. But recognizing and emotion in a way that is actually sharing the thought and feeling.

    more than communicating, but actually sharing the one thought and one feeling. That recognition gives me chills.

  7. That was a sad day - when she died. Love that clip.

  8. I think West Side Story was the first time I learned about Natalie Wood. This is still one of my favorite movies. Enjoyed seeing her again in this video, and I enjoyed another wonderful post. Thank you Cloudia.

  9. Of course I had to watch the whole video! She was such a sweetie in Miracle on 34th Street too. I hope this new investigation brings out the truth finally. Things aren't always as they appear are they? Like "Aloha No" - meaning Very Much Aloha, but to me it seems to be saying Aloha not? I used to watch old movies as a child, and I was always inspired for the good...where now I wonder how many inspiring roll models are out there for young girls... Yes! Aloha! call me silly, but I still like watching one of the Miracle on 34th Street, especially this time of year when the Thanksgiving Day Parade begins...

  10. Ahh Natalie.. far too young. I love the way you always have something interesting to show and to tell.

  11. Loved this post Cloudia...and the video. Thanks for sharing. What's next with all the new interest in Natalie's case?

  12. I remember so well when I heard the news of her death, I seem to remember that even back then there was a lot of 'speculation' as to what had happened. It was so tragic,such a beautiful young woman. It would be interesting to know exactly what happened on that awful night. Really enjoyed the video Cloudia, could have gone on and watched the others about her too, but must sleep now... excellent post once again and will have to listen for information about this case.

  13. I'm so glad that this case is being reopened. She was so afraid of the water, I never could understand that story of her getting into the dinghy and slipping and falling into the water. What? It's late at night, the ocean is dark, cold and sinister, she's deathly afraid of drowning, always has been, and she climbs into the dinghy? No way. Not even being drunk explains her doing that!

  14. Never imagined the boat would be too famous to mind it's own business in Hawaii. Hopefully it's owner isn't pestered too much. The movie boat from African Queen is all lonely but on display (no charge) in Florida. DrumMajor

  15. I always liked her. She seemed very down to earth.

  16. Your first picture, is this on Hawai?


  17. We always think people like this have everything whereas in reality their lives are often quite shallow and they have deep unhappiness.

  18. Yes , I remember Natalie Wood from the West Side story, which I saw several times. I liked her very much.So sad that she died at such an early age. I know she was married to Robert Wagner.This post is a great tribute to her.Thanks Cloudia!

  19. I've never seen Daisy Clover, but I take it it's a sad ending. I'll go check it out. I really liked watching her since West Side Story too.

  20. the night photo is outstanding!

    love that clip. west side story is one of all time faves.

    a warm aloha, friend!

  21. I had no idea her boat was docked in Hawaii. What will they possibly find by visiting it after all these years. I agree, she was lovely!

  22. You live your life in a place that is very different from where I live mine, but so many of the truths you bring us each day we share. Thank you.

  23. I've yet to become acquainted with Natalie Wood and her movies. I know her beauty but little else. I have West Side Story in the house somewhere; I'll start with that. Nice quotes and video, btw.

    Hugs from Miami...xo

  24. A Bonza tribute to Natalie Wood and a tragic loss to the film industry and her many fans :-).

  25. Good to read you today. Boats and alcohol don't mix but if there is more then her story needs to be told.

  26. i enjoyed watching the clip. i also love the kalil gibran quote.
    have a great week, sista
    ~laura xx

  27. Thank YOU for visiting today, Friend!

  28. Ah - lovely! We all see the same stars and that is perhaps what reminds us of our common humanity.

  29. I do believe there is more to the story than meets the eye...

  30. I like that clip ...
    Have a wonderful monday !
    It is raining almost every evening KL ... and hot afternoons !!!!

  31. I loved Natalie wood, especially after her role as Maria in West Side Story. (Since, I'm Puerto Rican, I guess that's understandable.)

  32. thank YOU for these comments that delight me


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