Saturday, December 10, 2011

Motoring Icon

Automobile Blues by Lightnin' Hopkins on Grooveshark

An early Swallow Sidecar

Swallow Sidecar Company
was formed in Blackpool England
by William Lyons on his 21st Birthday,
 4th September, 1922.
 William Walmsley, nine year older,
was his equal partner.

The company was formed
 to produce
sidecars for motorcycles.
  Walmsley previously
  had a business
reconditioning WWI-surplus 
Triumph motorcycles
& fitting sidecars.

In spite of the economic stagnation
of the early 20's
the company bloomed 
after showing at
  the 1923 Motorcycle Show.

  By 1926 growth was sufficient
to enable the company to move 
into larger premises 
and to change their name
to Swallow Sidecar and
Coachbuilding Company.

In 1927 the company announced
the Austin Swallow Two-Seater 

Lyons quickly gained orders
for close to 500 of the cars.

By 1934,  the newly formed
SS Cars Ltd
was an automobile manufacturer 
and subsidiary of Swallow.

One car that William Lyons
was not fond of was
the Airline Saloon
regarding it as a passing fashion.
He was correct.
Streamlining wasn't in fashion
in the UK
so the more modern
Airline Saloon
kept flowing wings
and separate headlamps
but had a rounded tail 
usually referred to as a fastback.
The windows also extended
towards the rear
and it had a boot
(or "trunk" in America).
Maximum speed was 80 mph.
 This car was only produced 
for two years.
it is a sought after model
by collectors.

Have you guessed 
the familiar name 
of the cars
that we are talking about?

( ! )

Jaguar XF

Historic information courtesy of Jag-Lovers

Thank YOU for motoring by!
Toot your horn & leave a comment-
                                                                                                 Warmly, cloudia


  1. Toot! Those are indeed beautiful cars. Love those hood ornaments.

  2. I love the lines and flow of the big black car

  3. Ya had to go and show me a Jag, didn't ya. That's ANOTHER present I want! haHAHAHA!

  4. Lovely shots Cloudia....i like this very much.

    Aloha from Holland, Joop

  5. Well that was certainly a fortuitous meeting between the two young Williams, what a business they built up, so interesting Cloudia! One of the things that I wish had stayed the same is the 80mph speed limit, wonder how many young lives would have been saved hey!!

  6. Cloudia -- You simply MUST get one of the sidecar cycles! Think of all the tourism you could cover with paying passengers! DrumMajor

  7. I want a ride in the sidecar! I always did - even as a child. Doubt whether I could get into one nowadays, though come to think of it you rarely see on on the road. Blessings

  8. Oh yeah...Zoom, hubby will get a huge kick out of this post...I'll have to share it with him! Aloha Cloudia... Oh and, are you thinking about adding a sidecar to your scooter?!!!

  9. i love those old, vintage cars!

    rols royce? aha!

    big hugs!

  10. J'habite en Normandie, région de France où il y a beaucoup de voitures de collection. L'été, de grands rassemblements nous permettent de les revoir et de les photographier, comme tu l'as fait avec talent,ici Belle journée à toi, Cloudia,


  11. See? Now THIS is SWEET!

    thanks SO much-

    no sidecars for scooty...

  12. At least cars of that era had a bit of style and class unlike today's cars which are boring and all look similiar in appearance :-).

  13. I'm with Windsmoke. Todays cars tend to be boxlike and some of the early jaguars were just beautiful. Even to a non car person like me.
    Thanks Cloudia.

  14. Hi Cloudia, I like so much the old collection cars, they have great style! Very nice post!
    Happy Sunday

  15. Priceless curves. Will have to look out whether to find one over here. Please have a good Sunday you all.

  16. Ciao Friends!!!!!!!

    thank you for making my DAY-0

  17. Something in the vintage vehicle stirs me. I love the old cars especially. I can remember my brothers having the Harley and an Indian just after WWII.
    Loved the way you built the story.

  18. I looked at Jaguars the other day in a showroom. Thank you for the history story, and the pictures too. I enjoyed looking at them.

  19. Toot toooot! Thank you for the lesson. Since my 4 year old granddaughter knows more about cars than I do, I need all the help I can get.

  20. Toot toooot! Thank you for the lesson. Since my 4 year old granddaughter knows more about cars than I do, I need all the help I can get.

  21. I just realized that I take it for granted what an excellent photographer you are!

  22. What an array of jaunty jalopies ♥

  23. These cars are works of art. So much art in the vision of movement, of going forward. I love it.

  24. These are interesting. Terrific captures.

  25. Wish I could toot a jaguar. (Oops. That sounds awkward.)

    Anyway, lovely pictures of wonderful cars.

  26. From Classic to Modern Style ... I like them all !!!


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