Monday, January 16, 2012

Honolulu in the Winter

A  L  O  H  A  !

Song of Old Hawai`i (Instrumental) by Hawaii Calls on Grooveshark

Leeward Oahu Winter Morning Sky
Lots of you have been showing 
pictures of winter, beautiful pictures,
and eloquently describing
what winter means to YOU.
Most folks think that we do not enjoy
here in the Hawaiian Isles
but we do. 
For example, we awoke feeling chilly
the other morning. The coldest morning
of the winter led the a.m. news:

This isn't a joke. I'm not
teasing you.
Sixty F
with dry air, feels "warm"
when you step off the plane
from cooler climes.
But we are used to
moister, more, gentle temps.
So it feels to us
like winter!
We wear our

Weather-Guy Paul 
is showing us to wear
long sleeves today!

Shooting the TV (With a CAMERA!!!)
isn't the best, but I got this cool image below.
When watching TV, we do not "see"
what our eye registers.
Our brain always processes everything,
so we don't 
"see" the lines and transitions 
that the camera,
and our eye,
DO register.

It's all a matter of perspective.
Like EVERYTHING in life!

  Remember that.
It is why
"Walking  a mile in another shoes"
is so humbling and enlightening. 

My Grandmother used to say:
"If everyone in the neighborhood
put all their problems on the front porch
we'd all be glad
to go home with
our own."

How right she was!

But let's try to remember,
the brother or sister
wearing uncomfortable shoes,
and what it must be like
to walk in them
every day.

Warmly, cloudia
Thanks for being here- 
your comment is appreciated. 
Come see all the cool folks there:


  1. I guess it's all about what you're used to but when you're used to -2C in winter your temperatures are our summer! LOL

  2. Hi Cloudia! Found your blog through Dave's blog. I miss Hawaii so much. I went to Honolulu and Kona (Big Island) yearly for years; but missed it this year. I'd 'kill' for lunch buffet at Duke's Waikiki right now!

  3. What is the weather guy doing with that clothing in Hawaii ?

  4. Gotta agree with your gram today. For sure!

  5. I know exactly what you mean Cloudia, for us anything under 25C seems a bit 'fresh'. We are really luck, it's just that every summer there are periods where we can have 38 to 42C for week long stretches, THAT is enough to try the patience haha!

  6. Our places have so much in common except for the winters.I like your place better :)

  7. It's similar here how folks put on their jackets when it gets to 60.

  8. I could do with some 60 about now - even though we've had a warm winter so far.

  9. So very true, Cloudia - temperatures and how we perceive them is all relative to what we're used to. That said, I'd LOVE to feel temps in the sixties right about now :)

  10. yeah, it was cold on Saturday morning! Mid-50s to low-60s. I wore a jacket over my long muumuu.

  11. And people where I live wonder why I love the tropics so much.

  12. I remember when my sister moved back to the Lower 48 from living in Alaska for a few years, she would have the windows open when it was 48 degrees out. I was freezing and they thought it felt warm. They had gotten that acclimated.

  13. Hawaii is very beautiful! And your grandmother was very wise.

  14. Winter in Hawaii is like summer in Seattle. Mahalo for sharing and for reminding us all to keep things in perspective. aloha...Li Anne

  15. I could stay forever in Hawaii and without ANY cold climate!!!

  16. Loving your blog, as always. We've been having thick vog the past few days, and it has been cold. Fleece and slippers in the a.m.

  17. You may have gotten a little chilly weather, but it still looks so beautiful, I wouldn't mind being there.

  18. Thanks for stopping by. It's all relative, you're right...but 60F does sound good right now!

  19. Hi Cloudia,
    I enjoyed your post from today. Your grandfather said it best...Have a wonderful week with warmer temps...Heidi

  20. I'll bet you can always tell who the tourists are.. they're the ones who are sweating when everyone else is shivering. ;)

  21. We had our coldest summer day for a long time reaching only 19 degrees with very cold wind and snow on the mountains :-).

  22. Gosh! SO many of you added to the topic! I really love and value your visits here, Friends

  23. Absolutely, it is all a matter of perspective. If we could all remember that we'd be half-way to paradise on earth.

    Oh, you poor thing, you must be freezing! Your weatherman actually wears a scarf!

  24. this is a global climate forum!
    Thanks, Friko

  25. Perspective is all. I am looking at the countries currently experiencing snow with envy. Many of their inhabitants are looking at the warmer countries with envy. Thank you for making me stop and think.

  26. I really could get use to your kind of winter/summer, but this year ours is really one of the best in years! :)

  27. Reminds me of the first time I drove to Florida from Canada, in Dec. (many years ago) - got to Tampa where it was 65F; checked into the hotel and was in the (outdoor - unheated) pool minutes later. Passersby dressed in woollies could be heard muttering "must be Canajuns". On the 3rd day we drove further south seeking warmer temperatures - we were acclimatized !

    Aloha Cloudia !

  28. Ah, winter, that funny relative who means different things to different people. When she came to see us in October, we found her to be an icy wench.

    Stay warm and if you can't, enjoy a groovy scarf like Weather Dude!

  29. indeed!

    namaste /\ from mumbai

  30. I am one who is cold when everyone is alright, alright when everyone is hot!

  31. you know i would not mind walking a mile in those was freezing here today...aloha from VA

  32. I lived in Papua New Guinea for a year - just when the temperatures were getting bearable to me (mid 20's C) my students were shivering with cold and wearing leg-warmers!! Never underestimate the benefits of acclimatising!!

    Have a great day!

  33. My mother has been shivering every morning for the past few weeks and I've put away my tank tops for short sleeves now. I do love our cooler weather, but it's rather surprising just how cool it's been.

  34. Lovely words and pictures of winter in Hawaii!

  35. Aloha Cloudia,

    Thanks for your comments on my blog - and it's cool to find someone else on Oahu who's a regular Blogger. I'm a new follower :)

  36. Grandma's hands: I understand this perfectly. This sort of experience can be chilling. Great post this, one of your best.

  37. «Louis» really likes the Oscar Wilde quote.


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