Monday, July 16, 2012

Finch Bath

A  L  O  H  A !
Morning Dew by Israel Kamakawiwoʻole on Grooveshark

 " If you truly love Nature, 
you will find beauty 
everywhere. "

Vincent Van Gogh

" Talent
does you no good
unless it is
by someone
else. "

Robert Half

That's why YOUr visit,
YOUr comment,
means quite a lot
to me


Now, I don't have the 
the talent
of some of YOU
(Bob, Wong, Hilary,
to name a FEW!)

but let's watch
a sweet little
Java Finch
[ Link ]
having his 
morning bath: 

All Pictures Quite Click-Able

We bloggers
get to make
dozens of creative choices
every single day.

We develop
aesthetic vocabulary
as we educate
our artistic

The day I took 
these shots
I realized:

that I can spot
a good photograph
in daily life,

even without
"Taking the Shot"
I still See
and Enjoy
things that I would
have never even 
in days past. 


Thanks for visiting
my garden,

Leave YOUR Comment
and a wish

                Warmly, cloudia


  1. Some of my best visual memories are the photos I've missed.. the great mental snapshots. Watching a bird enjoying the water is always a treat. Thanks for the mention, Cloudia. :)

  2. A comment and a wish? OK I wish I had a lucid comment to make.

  3. I am always looking at the aesthetic of things...but it's true, after being a blogger....i now think of the story to go with the pic. Wishes are powerful...I only make one when i really need to.....

  4. Love the images of your little friend frolicking with gay abandon and enjoying himself. I agree sometimes it's just nice to savour the moment without worrying if it will make a great shot.

  5. What a great series of photos! And I love the final shot of the bird of paradise flower. Thanks for sharing your slice of paradise!

  6. he was having a lot of fun. :) thanks for the smile!

  7. Ah, but your photos are what brings us joy, along with these wonderful posts Cloudia. And that sweet little bird bathing, I am leaving with a smile, yet again :)

  8. What a catch!!!
    Lucky girl.....

  9. A really lovely and refreshing post, Cloudia.

  10. He's enjoying life and living it to the fullest. What more can one ask.

  11. You certainly find beautiful gardens everywhere, Cloudia. Have another great week.

  12. You caught him NAKED! Don't let Kitty find him! DrumMajor

  13. Many times I would love to give a finger to be able to fly.

    I wish someday I can.

    Please have you all a wonderful Tuesday.

  14. Tha really is tweet ;->

    For some reason, I've been getting into noticing more lately, too. Still hoping to keep both ears, though!

    A wish: with the inflection of Paul Harvey, to all: "Good Day!

  15. Thanks for each delightful visit!

    Each of you gives me a smile that lingers - that IS true wealth

  16. I Love your blog and ALL your pics and I WISH I could come take some pics with you!

  17. Nice post, and great photos. My wish? To visit Hawaii again some day.

  18. As usual, very nice work Cloudia

    warm summer greetings from Holland, we have a lot of rain this summer.

    Hugs, Joop

  19. Vincent sure had the right idea.
    I wish it was always so!

  20. Some great shots. Beautiful moments. Thanks for making them ours, too. Blogging is a blessing to our creativity, to be sure.


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