Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Nature Imagination

A  L  O  H  A !

" The real problem
of Humanity:
We have paleolithic emotions,
medieval institutions,
and god-like
technology. "

Edward O. Wilson

" By deafness one gains
 in one respect
 more than one loses; 
one misses more nonsense
 than sense.  "

Horace Walpole

" I like nonsense,
 it wakes up the brain cells.
 is a necessary ingredient 
in living, 
it's a way of looking at life 
 through the wrong end 
of a telescope. 
Which is what I do, 
and that enables you
 to laugh
 at life's realities.  "

Dr. Seuss

 " All philosophies,
 if you ride them home, 
are nonsense,
 but some
 are greater nonsense
 than others.  "

Samuel Butler

" A little nonsense 
now and then
 is relished by
 the wisest men.  "

Roald Dahl

 We now return you
to nature,
 already in progress


Thank YOU
for visiting

Take away Peace- - Leave YOUr Comment

                 Warmly, cloudia


  1. Your daily quotes always set me for my day!

  2. Fun effects .. good quotes .. happy toonsday

  3. I must confess I love Dr Suess!

  4. Great quotes! Love the photo series that is the equivalent of Cloudia going "Miss Kitty" on us and playing with a foil ball on the rug!! Your imagination is a wonderful thing!

  5. And I thought it was a reminder to recycle. DrumMajor

  6. Oooh, that is cool -- is it tin foil, alum-i-n-ium, foiled again?

  7. Nature in progress, Cloudia, I should say so - I like that quote

  8. I like very much your quotes and Ibiscus, dear Cloudia.
    Thanks for visiting my blog.
    A big hug from Italy.

  9. I need some nonsense. My brain cells are past asleep at the moment.

  10. "Past asleep" cool!

    Lovely word: "Al-u-minny-UM'

    Lovely friend: Y O U!

    Each of YOU is most appreciated.

    Thank You

  11. Your posts always make me smile first, then ponder... the quote from Wilson did that today. Thank you for sharing your wonderful mind!

  12. Thank you for making life an art.

    Please have you all a good Wednesday.

  13. " A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men. "
    Roald Dahl

    Nonsense is an important part of my life.

  14. I like your pictures of the foil ball going all the way to extreme – very creative!

  15. :) indulge!!

    namaste /\ from mumbai

  16. Oh you set me up and then ... snapped me back to reality when I was quite enjoying the opposite.

    Nice to be back.

    Aloha !

  17. It's a lot of fun to watch your artistic experimentation. Eventually, I'd like to learn more Photoshop... AFTER I finish my scanning in a couple of years. Sigh...


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