Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Seeing Weather

A  L  O  H  A !

Click on the Pictures

For some reason
the childish fascination
with watching clouds
never left me.

Studying meteorology at university
hipped me to the hows and where-fores
of weather formation.
Climate is actually a
complex and lovely dance.
Even the Earth's turning
plays a part in the beautifully named
Coriolis effect. 

 Different clouds are formed
by different forces and conditions.

However, lest your fear
to lose the fascination
with too much information
don't worry;
The clouds, the sky
remain a vast unconscious
pageant, evoking heart
and art.
I M A G I N A T I O N.

In fact, 
understanding what you are seeing
and being able to name it
adds a whole other dimension
to one's time spent consorting
with the sporting clouds.

 The other day
idly musing,
slightly focused on the sky,
I saw the Trade Winds return!

The sky was congested
with milling clouds,
puffy one's formed over the island
going nowhere 
in a Land/Sea regime.

But the trades were returning
and I happened to see them:
a fast moving cloud appeared
different from all the others;
Is that a heroic Hawaiian paddler
surrounded by surging surf/air,
a sea bird over his shoulder,
welcoming him to these islands??!!

I saw a weather situation,
and knew what it was,
but I also received a great

The only thing to do
was to write a poem.
I hope you like it:

I Saw the Trade Winds Return

I saw the Trades return today
gazing at the sky
docile clouds in a mass;
Then what should pass? 

a canoe of mist
great voyager sits

upraised oar
passing before the
 grazing fleece

Sky/sea bird over his shoulder
all else in the sky that much slower-

I Saw their Passing
then heard the winds
stirred up and splashing;
Curtain curtseyed
admitting zephyr

I have seen the Trades Return
and so the Hawaiian Sky
has become my


Thank YOU
for visiting here!

Take away Peace - Leave Your Comment

                      Warmly, cloudia


  1. I love cloud watching too Cloudia. x

  2. I'm glad the scientific information in the class didn't mess up your visions and creativity. Time to fetch the little kayak and go for a cruise. DrumMajor

  3. Send those trade winds the long way round pushing the jet stream further south. I honestly don't think you want to know the image I saw in the clouds yesterday kiddo.

  4. ''I've looked at clouds from both sides now ..'' cloud watching is the best way to wait out a traffic jam

  5. I watched a storm come through last night....clouds heavily laden with rain...i watched the rain approach....and then i felt your poem!

  6. there is too much magic in the clouds to ever lose that wonder....beautiful skies....

    aloha from va

  7. I went through a period where I studied clouds and even memorized the names of the types. I still remember the names but can't always put them with the right types these days.

  8. Consorting with the clouds is a favorite pastime Cloudia, when I have time that is. Meanwhile put me down for a copy of your 'book of poems' when it comes out..don't wait too long.

  9. The skies are always fascinating. Gorgeous shots and thoughts.

  10. I loved reading your poem Cloudia and I did this post. Your sky photos are marvelous. I always find myself looking up at the sky and seeing the beauty there.

  11. I adore your cloud pictures Cloudia! So calming!! xo

  12. Those are some beautiful skies you have there.. and a lovely poem to boot.

  13. Sometimes they remind me of hair.

    Please have you all a wonderful Thursday.

  14. I love this poem, Cloudia. I do enjoy watching the clouds too. My mother is fanatical about it because of her laundry. :-)

  15. Jolly Jolly Comments today!

    thanks each of YOU

  16. how about an audio post of the poem.

  17. consorting with the sporting clouds

    love that!

    /\ namaste from mumbai

  18. What a wonderful stop for a shot of inspiration...
    Thanks Cloudia
    You ALWAYS Rock!!!

  19. "I've looked at clouds from both sides now,
    From up and down, and still somehow
    It's cloud illusions I recall.
    I really don't know clouds at all."
    [with thanks to Joni Mitchell]

    Beautiful shots and thoughts.

    Aloha !

  20. That top picture is an awe inspiring sunset, it really looks as if the sky is on fire. (I know people often say this but I rarely actually think it!)

  21. You get some great tropical skies where you are...they're so alive! Have a fun weekend!

  22. For some reason
    the childish fascination
    with watching clouds
    never left me.

    It never left me either. Brilliant post. Thanks for.


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