Friday, July 26, 2013

Best Handbag

A  L  O  H  A !

" As the purse is emptied,

 the heart is filled. "

Victor Hugo 

"  You're never too fat 

for a new purse. "

Nia Vardalos 

" I try not to put my purse

 on the floor -

 demons will get into it. "

Nina Arianda 

" Open your mouth

 and purse cautiously,

 and your stock of wealth

 and reputation 

shall, at least in repute,

 be great. "

John Zimmerman 

" Debating on whether

 the chocolate I found

 in my purse

 has gone bad...

Oh well! Still chocolate. "

 Olivia Munn

" In music 

the passions 

enjoy themselves. "

Friedrich Nietzsche 

And Now

The Best Handbags

(According to Cloudia)

Classic Healthy Back Bag®

& Baglett by Ameribag

Yep! These are my favorites!
(Uncompensated opinion)

What do you prefer?

                             Fondly, cloudia


  1. The Olivia Munn one about chocolates, for me. There are no bad chocolates.

  2. ha, i like the first
    emptying the purse can be read a few ways and yet they all seem to work...happy friday

    aloha from va

  3. Yeah, my heavy fabric healthy bag has been washed many times; but I use the belly pouch when traveling. My leather healthy bag is just too uptight and won't loosen up. DrumMajor

  4. The one that I'm using! :) But chocolate never keeps around me! It's gone like the wind-fast!

  5. A full heart makes a rich man... in everyway!

  6. i prefer a shoulder strap and a relatively small purse - just enough to carry wallet, keys, sunglasses, pens, chapstick. :)

  7. Not sure chocolate can go bad, although I hear it plays around on the wrong side of the tracks on occasion.

  8. Sounds like you could really be organised with this bag Cloudia, a pouch for everything it says...even that piece of chocolate you might want to save for a rainy day :)

  9. That chocolate quote is my life's philosophy. I also love purses.
    You have good taste. They look cool and the kitchen sink fits in one of them. I like that.

  10. What fun!

    Tra - La! Thanks :-)

  11. I love that purple and green together Cloudia - beautiful contrast.

  12. hihihihih!!nice!!i love purses!!!!!!:))))))))

  13. I prefer something large, filled with bricks, that has a strap so can swing it. ;-)

  14. My Travelon anti-theft bag for traveling is really great. My Hedgren backpack for everyday works best for me.

  15. Stylish!
    I like the theme here. :)

  16. I just got my new travel bag and am delirious over it.
    Those young women are so darling and stylish, aren't they.

  17. Chocs in the handbag! It's ok as long as it's not messy. With the heat of summer one can never tell. Nicely Cloudia!


  18. What a fun post.. all about purses.. who'dathunkit?

    I like a large purse, enough room for my camera in case it rains. ;)

  19. I love my Prada, but I have a very nice hemp bag as well. ~Mary


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