Friday, November 29, 2013

Finding Losing

A  L  O  H  A !
Finding Grumps (From the Film "One Week") by Andrew Lockington on Grooveshark

" Losing is
 a learning experience.
 It teaches you humility.
 It teaches you 
to work harder. . .
a powerful motivator. "
Ritu Ghatourey

" Find 
what makes your 
heart sing 
and create 
your own music. "

Mac Anderson

" -and if any one doth
 question you,
 Wherefore do ye loose it? 
thus ye shall say to him -
- The Lord hath need of it.' "

Luke 19:31
Young's Literal Translation

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Don't you hate
losing things?

I do.

So when I thought
I'd left behind
a grocery item
already paid for
I felt a loss.

I'm not a scripture person
because I seek
what unites us,
not doctrinal arguments.

But immediately
popped into my head:

"The Lord Hath Need of it."

I remembered
all the things I have found,
little gifts from the Universe,
often JUST when needed.

"Perhaps," I thought,
"I've really just repaid
my own
to someone who needs
right now."

I felt less a losing fool,
than a generous

Sometimes things happen
for purposes we cannot see.

So I will make my 
things lost, or not found,

Perhaps a greater need
is satisfied
instead of my own.

I like that.

What do YOU think?

See YOU in Comments :-)

                               Warmly, cloudia


  1. i like that outlook. :)

    also like that leaf photo. so pretty.

  2. Wonderful thoughts with beautiful photos.

  3. A good way to think of it. I generally feel a sense of loss as well, and irritation.

  4. I love the rainbow! so beautiful :)

  5. I like your way of thinking Cloudia..It all depends what II don't stress :)

  6. I like that indeed. A wonderful sentiment. I read a quote once that said we just borrow everything we "own." So, when someone steals something from you whether through robbery, burglary or embezzlement -- just realize that you were just borrowing it from the universe and now someone else is borrowing it. Lovely post. Cheers Cloudia.

  7. Wonderful outlook - and rainbow. Happy weekend to you.

  8. I love that thought. I hope this cycle of losing/gifting goes on...

  9. Thanks EACH of YOU

    for these gifts :-)

  10. I like that idea very much, Cloudia. Like paying it forward. Doing that with an open heart makes you possible, and makes posts like this one possible.

    School has me very busy this year, but I am glad I get the time to visit and soak in the peace and love and wisdom here.

  11. yes, i figure someone that needs it may have found it...i can hope at least...

    aloha from va

  12. My favorite saying from childhood and was told this often, "Things happen for a reason. We may not understand why at the time, but all will become clear eventually." I think you passed on a kindness without realizing it at the time :)

  13. Cudowne pierwsze zdjęcie i bardzo ciekawe cytaty. Pozdrawiam serdecznie.
    Wonderful first picture and very interesting quotes. Yours sincerely.

  14. It is a good way of looking at things.

    Beautiful pics!

  15. I do like that! I've always been a person believing that everything happens for a reason, and that reason isn't always known to us. But it does make us reflect.

  16. You are very kind to think that way, Cloudia. When I lose things I feel frustrated that I once again mislaid something. Tsk!


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