Saturday, November 9, 2013

History Before Our Eyes

Watching History Unfold

"HONOLULU — When, as most everyone expects, Gov. Neil Abercrombie signs into law same-sex marriage here in the coming days, it may almost seem like a routine event. Hawaii is poised to be among 16 states to approve gay marriage, along with Illinois and shortly after Minnesota, New Jersey and Rhode Island.
     But the step in Hawaii has special resonance because the contemporary battle over same-sex marriage was born here two decades ago. Such marriages existed nowhere when Ninia Baehr and Genora Dancel, along with two other couples, filed what seemed like an utterly quixotic lawsuit seeking a marriage license. To near universal shock, Hawaii’s Supreme Court granted them a victory in 1993, ruling that a refusal to allow gay and lesbian couples to marry was discriminatory and illegal."

New York Times LINK

It is 9:50pm (Hawaiian Time) Friday November 8th.



  1. huh, i did not realize that it started in hawaii...good stuff...

    aloha from va

  2. I'm happy that things are going that way in Hawaii.

    Loevly pictures, by the way!

  3. Nice history review. Hope the final bill gets "re-passed" in the Hawaii Senate next Tuesday! DrumMajor

  4. it's a shame my state (SC) is utterly hopeless in this matter. We have reps and senator (state house) that preach that the Supreme Court (USA) does not have the final authority on matters but the states themselves.

    So not only do they do an awful job at governing, but they'd fail a 5th grade test on the basics of government.

    That's why I never bought in to the irrational fear and hatred of the federal government that conservatives pratice. If you look at history, individual states are by the far the worst enemies of liberty. Many of which were corrected by the Supreme Court.

  5. As far back as then Cloudia.. Bravo Hawaii!

  6. the dominoes fall, for a good cause for once.

  7. Aloha Cloudia, I just knew in my heart that this day would arrive. Much happiness for all.

  8. Adam, a great comfort that a young man bombarded by this radical-right stuff is so perceptive and thoughtful.

    Thanks Dears ;-)

  9. How I wish that our Government could/would come on board. My own territory (state) recently passed legislation allowing same-sex marriage. The Federal Government mounted a legal challenge immediately - to be heard in the first week of December. How I hope they fail.


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