Friday, November 8, 2013

Honolulu Capitol Views

A  L  O  H  A !
 Standing on the Mauka (Mountain Side) steps
of the Hawaii State Capitol
looking over St. Damien's shoulder
towards the memorial flame
through a row of royal palms
with Punchbowl Crater behind.

Father Damien did amazing "Mother Teresa" type
work in Hawaii during the 19th Century.
This statue was erected BEFORE
his sainthood.

"Leprosy is beginning to be very prevalent here. 
 There are many men covered with it.  
It does not cause death at once, 
but it is rarely cured.  
The disease is very dangerous, 
because it is highly contagious."

  Father Damien 
to his family back home.  

"All Lepers must 
report to the government health authorities
 within fourteen days from this date 
for inspection
 and final banishment
 to Molokai" 

Official Government Proclamation

The center of the Capitol is not a dome
but  an open courtyard
ringed by offices and 
open lanai (balcony).

The House and Senate "sides" 
are across the open courtyard 
formed by the space between them.

As you can see from the curve here,
each chamber recalls the volcanoes
that formed these islands.

From the courtyard, you can look
down through big windows
at the legislative activity
in the legislative chambers
below (inside the volcano!)

Behind this grand banyan tree
 beyond the Makai
(Ocean side) of the capitol
stands Iolani Palace (Link)
where Hawaiian Royalty
ruled these islands in a 
constitutional monarchy.

Queen Liliuokalani, our last Queen 
(deposed shamefully)
stands watch over the daily affairs
 of today's
people and government.
She is an inspiration to great leadership.

Incidentally, many claim to have seen Liliuo's
ghost in this area, and in the corridors of the
modern capitol building too!

She seems to be 
ushering these people inside
to do their work.
(A nice aloha shirt with dress slacks
are business wear for men in Honolulu)

Liliuo also left us
this famous song

Aloha Oe by Tia Carrere on Grooveshark

Listen and REALLY hear it
for the FIRST TIME!

Many of us have been spending 
a lot of time at the capitol
lately, as the Special Session 
called by the governor 
for Marriage Equality

THOUSANDS of people testified.
We heard LOTS of dumb and hurtful things.
We also saw our friends tell their truth, 
and lots of really illuminating
and moving testimony
while many of us watched 
57 hours of hearings
live and streaming.
I sent in written testimony.

Hawaii seems really poised
to legalize marriage
between two adults
regardless of gender.

There are "people of faith"
on both sides of the issue,
but one side is loud, angry,
not listening,

But you know what?
That day is OVER
in the civilized world
(listening, Putin?).

I'll post as soon as the Bill
is passed by both houses,
because the Gov called the sess
and wants to sign the Bill.

ALOHA, my dear friends!
                  Join us in comments,  cloudia


  1. Liberalism seems to be getting a lot of leeway in recent weeks.Once the barrier is down there are a flurry of like events that take place! Nice pics Cloudia!


  2. Nice pictures, and a very moving story, Cloudia.

  3. Very informative post Cloudia, thankyou. x

  4. Sounds like Marriage equality is on the way. Good to hear. I don't know why people should have to fight so hard for something that seems to me a given

  5. seems Illinois is also getting ready to pass their bill. The president would be proud of both of his home states doing this at roughly the same time.

  6. Praying for passage!

  7. I trust the Bill passes so that all unions are considered equal and without prejudice.

    Beautiful post.

  8. i remember reading about the leper colony there.

    may there be progress.

  9. Tres interesting post Cloudia.. Looking forward to hearing the outcome, surely it can only be in the affirmative!
    p.s. loooooved the song, merci beaucoup mon amie!

  10. I loved the song, Cloudia. Best wishes on the bill!

    I wish we could pass one like that here too.

  11. I do hope the bill goes through. And that we follow suit. Quickly.

  12. Thanks for sharing your bit of the rainbow.

  13. Never knew this story of your country, very touching.
    Excellent pics.


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