Saturday, December 21, 2013

Calmly Attentive

A   L   O   H   A   !

" Life is full of beauty. 
Notice it. 
Notice the bumble bee, 
the small child, 
and the smiling faces. 
Smell the rain, 
and feel the wind. 
Live your life to the fullest 
and fight 
for your dreams. "

Ashley Smith 

" Confine yourself to 
the present. "

Marcus  Aurelius, 170 B.C.E.

" Be here now."

Ram Dass, 1971

Why am I showing this scene twice?
I shot it from my car, 
stopped at a red light.

The Tree Trimmers are at work!

> < 3 3 3 ( ° >

Daily life would be impossible 
without habit & routine.
But they also limit our perceptions,
hurrying us along to our next task.

How much reality do we miss
by burying ourselves
in our mobile phones
and to-do lists?

Being Calmly Attentive,
Seeing, Tasting, 
Feeling & Hearing
 the real-world around us
is the very definition 
Heightened Consciousness. 

Fully inhabiting the 
 invigorates us,
making us aware
of opportunities
and warnings
as they arise 
in the  environment

brings opportunity
 to learn the secrets 
 hiding in plain sight.

Photograph them!

Then come here
and share them
with us!

           Fondly, cloudia


  1. Wise words, dear Cloudia.
    At this time of year particularly, we tend to rush about instead of taking heed of the beauty all around us.

    Well, maybe there’s little beauty in shopping malls.

  2. Good advice: enjoy the beauty of the present and not rush headlong through life.

  3. We need to slow down and smell the roses :)

  4. My dear i am always in the present doing my work. I watch the TV screen all day long to make sure it is functioning properly...well I do get 15 minutes every hour or so to smoke one outside. Get back to me with this when it's above 75(f) here.

  5. I agree that life is full of beauty. Cameras sure help me notice more than I would otherwise. ;))

  6. Hey, even the cherry-picker trucks are different in Hawaii. Your's look like modern robots; our's look like old scissor-jacks to raise a car. DrumMajor

  7. Just realized today is the last Saturday until Christmas. Where does the time go?

  8. Love that Cloudia, photography does keep us noticing things in the moment.

  9. When I'm in the natural world I tend to be attentive. Not so much when I'm in the human world, which is generally of less interest to me.

  10. Life is indeed full of beauty. And I love it, and love the pieces you share. Thank you.

  11. Yes, wise. I managed to shovel the driveway, and now I'm resting. Freezing rain is here!
    Cheers from Cottage Country Ontario , ON, Canada!

  12. I wish we all lived near one another!

    Your visits are wonderful. Thanks.

  13. "Alertness
    brings opportunity
    to learn the secrets
    hiding in plain sight…." You know I could not agree more dear Cloudia! wishing you peace and joy always!

  14. Very apt advice to live in the present! You must do it to the max, Cloudia!

  15. Indeed!

    Namaste /\ from Mumbai

  16. i think there is a lot of life we miss with out they tech or...i was on a tech hiatus since last night, enjoying time with fam...smiles.

    aloha from va

  17. Inspirational as always :) Have a lovely weekend !

  18. We wish you a Merry Christmas,
    RW & SK

  19. Aloha Cloudia, you are so right, and your first quote pretty much sums up my weekend! Life little and small, all around us is so wonderful.

  20. Thank you for the reminder to appreciate everything around us, Cloudia. I do sometimes get too wrapped up with my iPhone.


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