Saturday, February 15, 2014

Easily Improve Your Gmail

A L O H A !
Morning Pink & Glow

" If you can be

Honest with Yourself

you've got it made! "

Sid Caesar

Spotlight Stick

" All Nature

 is resurrection."

Brian Weiss

Sidewalk Heart of the Streets

" Purify your eyes, 
and see 
the pure world. 

Your life will fill 
with radiant forms. "



When you open
an email containing images
(photo, logo, graphics, etc)

often the sender can tell 
that you've opened the email
because of a code hidden 
in the images!

Until recently, 
Gmail didn't open those 
elements of the email
until / unless you clicked 
on a link in the email
approving it.
But now they open
unless you "opt out"
Here's how:

You can still have 
that level of privacy

by making ONE CHANGE 
in your
Gmail settings

Click on the GEAR symbol
to the right/top of your Gmail

Then click "Settings" 
from the drop down menu.

Look for "Images"
Click on the choice to 
 turn on "Ask Before."
That's It!

Click on image to ENLARGE

That's all it takes 
to  improve your privacy!

In addition
I prefer to set my own 
text size and style 
for my outgoing emails.

To do this just
go down the page to
Default Text Style. 
You can change 
and see it
right there instantly!

A personal motto or link?
Go for it!
 I put a link to this blog 
and to my novel's 
KINDLE page at the 
foot of EVERY outgoing 
email automatically!

Vacation Responder! 
Let people know 
if you will not be 
replying for a time.

Finally: At bottom
click on
Save Changes  or CANCEL.

It's THAT Easy!

Cloudia's Rule:  
If you don't know what a choice does, 
(This is a corollary of the old: 
"If it aint broke - don't fix it.)

But the tips above 
are as explained 
and safe to change!

This LINK 
will take you DIRECTLY 
into YOUR settings!   
(It's magic, I think)

' Take Peace & Smiles - Leave Your Comment '
Thanks for visiting!
                            Warmly, cloudia


  1. i dont open email unless i know who it is from...and rarely opened any attachments unless i am expecting them.

    aloha from va

  2. In regards to resurrection, you might a well say that about art, too! :-)

    Greetings from London.

  3. Thanks for the G-mail tips. We do have a certain degree of control sometimes.

    Love reading the tranquil thoughts.

  4. You gift us twice today, right off, lovely photos and quotes, and perfect pointers as well! A big warm Minnesota smile your way..... enjoy your day.

  5. Ha! Ha! I love it, it was like magic! I never click on just any link, unless it's someone I trust, telling me that.... very cool!

  6. Quite appropriate to use that Sid Caesar quote after his passing this week.

  7. Your peace and smiles are always welcome.

  8. Awww Sid Caesar.. RIP, funny man.

    I don't think the everyday person can tell if you open an email from them or not. I suspect it's spammers or those up to no good who would program the image that way, eh?

  9. This does speed up loading of your emails. Thanks, Dears

  10. You are magic. Thanks for the tips. The photos and the quotes are perfect as always. i love Rumi...

  11. Good suggestions on gmail. I will have to look at that. Nice photos.

  12. Don't ask me! It won't let me associate my gmail address with my google account. Thanks for looking out for us!

  13. Thanks for the tips! You're our gmail guru ;)

  14. Good tips. They are making everything so unsafe and complicated!
    Cottage Country Ontario , ON, Canada!

  15. Thanks for the gmail advice and easy directions. Got mine change, thanks to you.

  16. I LOVE all your computer hints, Cloudia. Thank you so much!


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