Monday, September 17, 2018

History - Me - Yesterday ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

A  L  O  H  A !
Mural - Honolulu

 "It is believed that the Hawaiian Islands 
were uninhabited until around 400 – 500 A.D., 
when the Polynesians arrived. Skilled mariners, 
Polynesians had a long history of exploration and 
settlement of other lands."

In the 1970s, Hawaiians built 
their first modern voyaging canoe,
HOKULE`A  and voyaged to Tahiti!

You can learn more about this 
wonderful revival, even hear the song:

Yesterday Sept 16 2018 the second
Hawaiian Voyaging Canoe in known history
entered San Francisco Bay!
The voyaging canoe Hikianalia stopped in 
Marin [unannounced] at the 
Coast Guard Station Golden Gate before 
entering the city for the welcoming celebration 
by the local First Nation People 
and other dignitaries. 

Master Navigator Nainoa Thompson (L) Link

The canoe and crew were still kapu. ["Taboo"] 
which means that until they are officially welcomed 
by the people of the land they visit, they are considered 
to still be in the realm of the gods, not fully back 
into the world of human activity yet. 
They have made a mystic voyage!

Husband and I got to be at the canoe 
with no public, just us, and to 
interact respectfully with the crew. 
Friendly “Alohas” were heard.

 I even got to pull the Rope as they were leaving, 
and Shout Mahalo Ke Akua* as they 
pulled out into the bay, getting 
quite a nice response 
from some of the crew.. 
We were even waving our Hawaiian flag. 

What a day! I'll be telling the story 
for the rest of my life! 
But I'm telling YOU first!

“True friends are always 
together in spirit.” 
               L.M. Montgomery

Linking to

Thank YOU
              Fondly, cloudia


  1. What an absolutely WONDERFUL day. Something you will hug to yourself for a very, very long time.

  2. That was a wonderful experience you had! So nice to see the boat entering the coast and you were part of this festivity.

  3. But I'm telling you first... smile. I like that!

    "It is believed that the Hawaiian Islands
    were uninhabited until around 400 – 500 A.D.,
    when the Polynesians arrived."

    I would love to go back in time and see all these great lands before the people arrived. I wonder what it would be like?

  4. Thanks for contributing to Monday Murals Cloudia.
    What an amazing day you had and what an honour.

  5. Awesome!! What a wonderful experience for you! :) Thanks for sharing your fun in the sun.

  6. Well you must have been tickled pink to be there!

  7. It was an honor. Sharing it with you is the BEST!

  8. Fabulous! You must have good karma, Cloudia! ;-)

  9. Thank you for sharing this amazing experience, what a great story for a lifetime, lucky you! :)


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