Saturday, October 24, 2020

Heart Thoughts

 A   L   O   H   A  !

Honolulu, Oahu 6:10 pm

We're into the 

changing season.

Always seems like 

the Earth's true reason.

Kindness is more than a 

philosophy of the mind.

 It is a philosophy 

of the spirit.

Robert J. Furey

Photo courtesy of Olaf Tollefsen

Skies tempt them to fly. 

Nests have them back.     

Sonali Gupta

Hawaii Has seasons

evident to the resident.

But when you visit

from colder climes

it FEELS forever


You'll have a lot more respect

 for a bird after 

you try making a nest.     

Cynthia Lewis

Well I know the secret places, 

And the nests 

in hedge and tree; 

At what doors 

are friendly faces, 

In what hearts 

are thoughts of me.     

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow


In Our Hearts,
Are Thoughts
of YOU!

                  pixie & cloudia

Linking To


  1. Pixie knows she has a place in my heart because we have our philosophy of spirit resonates across the waves! She is looking at all your bloggy friends sending out her waves of love and fish breath.

  2. And you are the kindest of friends, Cloudia. What a lot of rain today. Please stay dry... and safe.

  3. I long for a kindness pandemic. One with no vaccine.

  4. Hello,

    Cute Pixie, I hope she does not mind you sharing her space with the kitty in the tree.
    Love the sky captures and the pretty flowers. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, enjoy your day. Happy weekend to you! PS, thank you for the comment and visit too.

  5. I love that Longfellow quote! Great skies!

  6. We have seasons here in Florida too but people come from the North and wear shorts year round! heehee!'s always in style!

  7. Aloha Cloudia, your last quote will linger in my thoughts. Your summertime is exactly what I'm dreaming about, since mother nature has decided to change our season to winter this early in October! Enjoy your day and sunshine, and lack of winterness!

  8. Ohh I love your place!So different from.mine!Very sunny and nice
    Say hello to kitty too She is lovely❤

  9. It's so true about the seasons in Hawaii. You know it's fall because Art ran into a downpour when he was out for this run this morning.

  10. My nest is in my basement. It has a seat, arms, legs, and a back.

  11. Aloha! :) I love your photos and the quote about the bird's nest!!

  12. Oh, how I love the last one. Beautiful.


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