Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Wednesday Wings

 A  L  O  H  A  From Honolulu!

You must stick 

to your conviction, 

but be ready to abandon 

your assumptions.

      Denis Waitley

Towered cities please us then, 

and the busy hum of men. 

John Milton

And as we fly, we still may not 

know where we are going to. 

But the miracle is in the unfolding 

of the wings. You may not know 

where you're going, but you know 

that so long as you spread 

your wings, 

the winds will carry you.

 C. JoyBell C.

Dark, cool, musty, smoky, 

where light fell funny and 

everyone looked 

like someone you 

knew or wanted to know. 

Or, more likely, 

wanted to forget.

  David Baldacci

When I pass the bar, 
you'll be barred from bars 
but put behind them.
Natalya Vorobyova

Laughter is poison to fear.

George RR Martin


Love You,
     Pixie & Cloudia

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  1. Fun color palette looking out the opening in the?

  2. Nice Cloudia!Ilike all your quotes and photoes !

    Big hug !

  3. I love the idea that we should just be kind. I also LOVED the musky bar, but the other bar had me laughing. That was great, dear Cloudia. I loved it all, but those were the best.

  4. Be kind! I miss my local bar where we did know almost everyone. It is closed for good now so when this is over all the regulars will be adrift.

  5. Lovely photos. Kindness is the key but as I had to tell a person not long ago, "Don't take my kindness as a sign of weakness" Have a great day.

  6. Hello Cloudia, hello Pixie :) Great photos and words!

  7. Just be kind is my favourite today.
    Let’s ll just be kind, it cannot be all that difficult, surely?

  8. Love seeing the flying wings in the clouds.

  9. Another lovely post! Yes, we must be kind! Very belated T Day wishes, Chrisx


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