Tuesday, March 21, 2023

The Best Often

A L O H A From Honolulu!

True wisdom lies in gathering the precious things out of each day as it goes by. E.S. Boutons

A single dream can
change your entire
perspective on the world. Michael Bassey Johnson

There's this tendency to be held in great esteem if you are judgmental. A sort of moral policing, being opinionated. What right has one to act like judges? What right has one to police another? Mohanlal

Only the one who isn’t rowing
has time to rock the boat.
Jean-Paul Sartre

Right here right now

is the best moment

of the day!

[Repeat Often]

Some people need a red carpet

rolled out in front of them

in order to walk

forward into friendship.

They can’t see the tiny

outstretched hands all around them,

everywhere, like leaves on trees.

Miranda July

Love You,
Cloudia & Pixie



  1. Enjoying the pics and quotes on Comfort Spiral is the best moment of my day. Pixie is demanding the red carpet be rolled out so she can walk out to greet her fans (and friends).

  2. Hello,
    Pixie is looking beautiful! Love the flowers and the great quotes!

  3. This is a high point of my day when I come here and see all of you and read your wonderful comments. Thank you very much. Pixie says meow

  4. Love all the beautiful photography and especially Pixie.

    Love all the quotes too, but the last one is my favorite.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Scritches to Pixie. ♥

  5. ...Hawaii is a land of traffic signs covered with stickers.

  6. Hi did you see my comment on your T post? I am your partner for the postcard swap-find my contact form on my blog to exchange addresses

  7. "Right here right now is the best moment of the day!"

  8. I agree with Mike's comment, he is absolutely right. Pixie is looking great today, she has the look in her eyes. Happy day to you!

  9. Gorgeous photos, as always Cloudia. Pixie is looking precious :)


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