Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Life is a ZigZag Journey

A L O H A From Honolulu!

Shadow Chevrons & The ZigZag Snake
Life is a zigzag journey,
they say, not much
straight and easy on the way,
but the wrinkles in the map,
explorers know, smooth out
like magic at the end
of where we go.
Ivan Doig

We are the boat, we are the sea,
I sail in you, you sail in me. Lorre Wyatt

Bitter melon is a tropical vine that is closely related to zucchini, squash, pumpkin, and cucumber. Bitter melon is used as both food and medicine. It is considered the most bitter among all fruits and vegetables. *

Some interesting things you see
cannot be photographed.
You just have to enjoy them
then and there.
But it is photography that has
taught you to notice.
You are a photographer with or
without a camera once
you have been initiated.

There's nothing half so pleasant
as coming home again.
Margaret Elizabeth Sangster

The time to relax is when
you don't have time for it.
Sidney J. Harris

Aging is a peculiar mixture of
surrender and being indomitable.
Kindness & Happiness
travel together.

Love You,
Pixie & Cloudia

Look Pixie!
It's us:
Cloudia & Cat!

* Bitter melon is used to treat diabetes, cancer, viral infections, and immune disorders. It contains a chemical that acts like insulin to help reduce blood sugar levels.
Bitter melon also has antioxidant and antimicrobial properties, which help excrete toxins from the blood and liver and heal many liver conditions. Regular consumption of bitter melon improves gut health and treats many intestinal conditions, including constipation and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
Experimental Generative AI


  1. Asian bitter melon is green with wrinkles. It is eaten in hot weather to rebalance the body. Did you take a picture of the blossom, or is Hawaiian bitter melon orange? Your experimental AI post didn't hallucinate today...

    I love the quote on aging and the picture of a more mature Pixie (than yesterday's pic) radiating kindness and happiness to her adoring blog fans.

  2. I wonder if she would mind a little peck on a cheek.

  3. Yes you're right, T. Probably a different cousin bitter melon?

    Don't try it, Mike! But I like what you're coming from.

  4. Those are incredibly steep step in the first photo. I would need to relax, before, after and probably during any attempt I made on them.
    Hooray for kindness. The oil that keeps life turning.

  5. That abandoned house is a beauty! What you said about ageing sounds so true. A mixture of surrender and ...

  6. Love the ducks and your sweet Pixie!
    I like the Kindness and happiness travel together.
    Take care, enjoy your day!

  7. Pixie was napping until she heard the word duck.

  8. Lovely captures and wise words.

  9. That 1st zig zag stairs shot is super, Cloudia.

  10. It's also fun to do a zigzag tour through your photos. That first one is very strong though, and that dilapidated house looks like it came straight off a movie set for scary movies. Again, very nice to see it all.

  11. A beautiful post. You made me smile.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Scritches to Pixie. ♥

  12. ...life sure is a zigzag journey and you captured the image well.

  13. The zigzag photo is a beauty and reminded me of the town of Zigzag, Oregon which I once lived near. If interested I placed a link about the town. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zigzag,_Oregon

  14. Patterns in shadows are their own art. You have a good eye to catch them and everything else for that matter.

  15. That's so true about photography. I went to a talk about supp[oritng people with depression and one of the things they said to anchor youin themoment was to get them to take photos when they walked around the streets. Funnily enough, I decided yesterday I would start to eat bitter melon...an here is it, a sign! #MCoW

  16. Life is a zig zag journey for sure!

  17. Love the f1rst one! Fantastic find.

  18. Cool bitter melon, duck and cat!

  19. Very original capture of the steps. :)

  20. So beautiful and especially Pixie.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. Scritches to Pixie. ♥


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