Saturday, August 12, 2023

The Ducks Of Hope

A L O H A From Honolulu!
The light is there before me, I step into its glow, filled with hope,
I saunter into
light at the end
of the tunnel.

I know at the top, There is something for me,
that I have long
been searching for,
Something meant to be.

The ducks of hope are always there, Just waiting to help you through, don't ever forget about them, They're your friends and care about you.
They'll quack and they'll waggle And do a little dance, Before you know it,
you'll be smiling, at your fuzzy

If you can't meditate,
pause before every sip of coffee. If you can't pray, simply say
'thank you' before every meal. If you can't manifest,
enjoy what's already yours. And if you can't journal,
talk to yourself in the car. There is no spirituality rulebook. Just show up for yourself... Vex King


Love You,
Cloudia & Pixie


Saturday Critters

I’d  Rather Be Birding

Jaipur Garden Affair

Hope, abundance and prosperity are associated with Elephant as are wealth, good luck and playfulness. This is in part because of the young Elephant’s playful and carefree nature...
in some Eastern cultures, the spiritual meaning of a Baby Elephant relates to reconnecting to your playful inner nature and remembering how to have fun and romp in the sunshine.


  1. I've never had a close association with ducks but some have and love them.

  2. Love the elephant and the ducks of hope which we can all use these days, Cloudia.

  3. When doe I see a photo of Pixie standing. I know a lot of philosophers get their ideas lying but sometimes other actions are called for. Have a nice weekend.

  4. When Pixie is not sitting, pixie is moving which doesn't make for such great photos. I'm going to try to get a nice photo of Pixie standing for you folks. Thanks so much for joining our bit of fun today. Fun Seems more important than ever. Please care for yourself and for those in your lives. Pixie and I have come to care about each of you. Thanks so much for joining the party

  5. Thanks for the hopeful message. Is Pixie fixated on the ducklings of hope or the blue elephant? (Or does she see pink elephants???) Love the Baby Elephant song at the end. It made me happy, if not hopeful.

  6. I always appreciate your encouraging words too! It lifts me up. Hugs to you and Pixie...when you catch her!

  7. Good job, Pixie! My previous cat felt that he should be paid for photos!
    Lovely photos.

  8. really glorious images and i enjoyed the words of encouragement!! i don't know the name of the "green thing" but what a great picture!! the baby ducks are so cute and the image of the flower is spectacular!!

  9. The little ducks are adorable.

  10. Hello,
    Beautiful scene with the trees and lighting.
    The ducklings are adorable and Pixie is always a star.
    Love the cute stuffed elephant.
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a happy weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  11. There are some funny Baby Elephant videos on Youtube.

  12. Greenie is a gold dust day gecko.

    Now Pixie wants to be paid.

    Thanks for your encouraging words!

    The elephant was posted for YOU, Elephant's Child!!

    Thanks EACH of YOU for sharing yourselves with us <3

  13. I have many ducks that visit my garden daily, love them so much. The gecko is striking.

  14. Such beautiful photoes!I love that greén SalamanderAnd Pixie is such a dahling xxx
    Hope all is well in Hawaii❤️

  15. The ducklings are incredibly charming, and Pixie never fails to shine.

  16. Is that a real lizard? If so what a brilliant color. Janice

  17. I always look forward for your post for the words of wisdom. The Goose or duckling looks adorable. The half shot of Gazania is incredible. Thanks for sharing with Garden Affair.


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