Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Remember It's Love

A L O H A From Honolulu!

It's love that binds.
Not compatibility of beliefs.
Naked Pastor 

No matter how small
or insignificant, These moments are a gift, A chance to slow down
and reflect.

Welcome Serendipity

Rediscovering how to play
could be the key to creating
deep adult friendships.
Rhaina Cohen

Though friendships naturally
evolve as we grow up...
Continuing to embrace a
childlike approach to friendship
into adulthood can make for
connections that are
essentially ageless.
Rhaina Cohen

Intimacy is not something that
just happens between two people;
it is a way of being alive.
At every moment, we are choosing
either to reveal ourselves
or to protect ourselves...
...To dive into life or to avoid it.
Intimacy is making the choice
to be connected,
rather than isolated...
Geneen Roth


Love You,
Cloudia & Pixie



  1. I guess that last picture is about a few Asian visitors not knowing the rules.

  2. We all need to play.
    Love the last sign. No nonsense about it.

  3. I love the palm trees and your sweet Pixie.
    Great photo of the Hawk.
    Take care, have a great day!

  4. Rediscovering how to play is such a wisdom.

  5. Never stop playing, Cloudia. ;-)

  6. I love following The Naked Pastor. His art and quotes speak to my soul.

  7. Beautiful street shots and quotes.

  8. You always inspire Cloudia, love these. Thank you my friend and aloha!

  9. Decency does indeed forbid, you would hope!! I love the play quote. I wrote something about play on Insta last night which I'm turning into a post, so I will steal this quote. THanks! #TravelTuesday

  10. Love is all there is, us humans forget that sometimes.

  11. Looks like Pixie is floating in a swimming pool. Nice optical illusion.


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