Wednesday, October 25, 2023

It's Called Freedom

A L O H A From Honolulu!
What makes vulnerability so hard
is the uncertainty, risk
and emotional exposure.
But staying vulnerable is a
risk we have to take, if we
want to experience connection.
BrenΓ© Brown

Most of our life is unimportant,
filled with trivial things from
morning till night. But
when it is transformed by love
it is of interest even to the angels. Dorothy Day

It takes time to learn to be alone without being lonely, but once you do, it's called freedom. Neel Panchal

Righteousness exalts a nation.
Hate just makes people miserable. Fannie Lou Hamer

The need to be right 
is the sign of 
a vulgar mind.
     Albert Camus

 The only argument 
you have to win, 
is the one
 with yourself.


Love You,





  1. Great quotes today! I love Pixie's the most, but I wonder what she argues with herself about??? That shot of the sun on the building is stunning.

  2. Great quotes and images.
    Pixie is so smart.
    Take care, have a great day!

  3. Pixie once again has the wisdom.

  4. Gorgeous captures and food for thought!

  5. I love what Pixie has to say today.
    Blessings, Cloudia!

  6. Pixie is a very wise cat. Happy day to you, Cloudia.

  7. I love this blog post. Your photos are beautiful, and the quotes are very thought-provoking. I especially like the one about learning to be “alone without being lonely”, as I have traveled this path. I am peacefully content when I’m alone.

    I just stopped by to say Hi and to wish you well.

  8. "Most of our life is unimportant" Ah to do something memorable for all time. I guess if I want to be as memorable as Ghengus Khan and impregnate 700 women I need to get started. First I need to get this vasectomy reversed.

  9. Pixie is a clever and wise feline!

  10. What a wisdom that being vulnerable is the key for connections

  11. There are people who can't be alone or can't just be without doing something. That is a sad state of affairs. Just being and also being alone can be so peaceful and regenerating.

  12. Those words are amazing and so are the photos. Hello sweet Pixie! Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  13. Great quotes and photos ~ and Pixie ~ you are adorable ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  14. Thanks dear friends! Meow and Aloha

  15. Beautiful quotes, Loved all clicks.

  16. Most of us don't realize how vulnerable we are until we meet someone who becomes special to us ... And being lonely is something I haven't yet experienced and it is something I fear could happen, but being lonely is only part of the issue ... who will solve all of my techy issues if I am alone 🀣 The world is experiencing the evil hate can bring as the war rages between Israel and Hamas ... love and kindness are needed everywhere today and they seem to be scarce. As for needing to be right ... I have seen that in people and it is exasperating. It is okay to want to be right, but it is better to accept when you are wrong ... Pixie is a wise kitty, indeed :) Happy Halloween, Claudia ... A particularly good post today :)

    Andrea @ from the Sol

  17. I always enjoy your street captures and Pixie is just the icing on the cake :) Thanks for linking up.

  18. Being vulnerable is a great quality, sometimes hard to be at times though! ♥


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