Sunday, May 26, 2024

Dive Depths Deep

A L O H A From Honolulu!
You have to be in the world
to understand what the
spiritual is about, and
you have to be spiritual
in order to truly be able
to accept what the
world is about.
    Mary Oliver

Dive, on mermaid
Your spirit take flight,
From the depths of your being
emit your own light.

The beauty and meaning
you search every day
Reside in your essence
a radiant, boundless ray.

Deceptively deep, this heart we hold,
A universe of stories untold.
With every beat a truth unfolds,
Timeless tide of all sweet souls.
       Cloudia Charters

When the night is cloudy,
there is still a light that shines
on me, shine on till
tomorrow, let it be.
Lennon & McCartney 
The Beatles

Looking for peace is like
looking for a turtle with a mustache:
You won't be able to find it. But
when your heart is ready,
peace will come looking for you.
   Ajahn Chah 

"Peep pEEp"

Originality is. . .
a by-product of sincerity. Marianne Moore

Linking To

Monday Murals


  1. Let it be indeed.
    Love the mural and your hopeful take on it.

  2. I love the pagoda and temple photo with dappled shade.

  3. That shine pic is looking so cultural

  4. Beautiful words and photos!
    A great mural!
    Take care, enjoy your day and have a happy new week!

  5. As always enjoying to see your blog.

  6. ...good to see an Eskimo Candy truck again. Have a super weekend.

  7. "You have to be in the world
    to understand what the
    spiritual is about, and
    you have to be spiritual
    in order to truly be able
    to accept what the
    world is about.
    Mary Olive"


    Also, peep pEEp indeed. 🙂

  8. Stunning captures my friend! Namaste 🙏

  9. That mural on the truck is amazing.

  10. If I saw a truck with a mermaid on it, I'd certainly follow it till I got a photo as good as yours. Must wonder what company, and products it represents.

  11. Jolly Friends 🌠 love these comments! Thank you

  12. You can never get too much of the Beatles!

  13. Thanks for the words of wisdom on song, quotes, and poems. I love the shots of the Shinto temple with Torii gate, of the mermaid swimming on the truck, and of Pixie and the peeping ducklings. This post has been a wonderful start to my day.

  14. That’s a beautiful Mermaid! But each photo has so much beauty and these quotes help me to realize what is truly important in life. Love ya Cloudia and Pixie!

  15. Once again, Cloudia, your words and photos here made my heart sing. Blessings!

  16. Wonderful words and images today dear Cloudia! ;-)

  17. The guy driving the mermaid truck looks like he was painted into the picture.

  18. Beautiful mural, song and quotes.

  19. The truck with the mermaid,
    very beautiful picture.
    I loved your poem Claudia,
    especially: you look for beauty and meaning in every day!
    Have a beautiful new week!

  20. Beautiful mermaid and quotes.
    Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Cloudia.

  21. Amazing mural of mermaid, Great clicks.
    Loved the post. Have a nice week ahead.

  22. "Let It Be" was a good show. The mermaid painting/mural is really lovely. Thank you for sharing with all of us. Be well!


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