Saturday, May 25, 2024

Wearing The Sky

 A L O H A From Honolulu!
Be a nice incident
in someone's life

Rainbows are gay space lasers.
That's why they're not straight.
Oliver Markus Malloy @ommalloy

Australian Native Red Bottle Brush

A vision sweet upon the breeze, Scattered rubies on the trees. Green and red, smashing hue, Nature's confetti in skies of blue.

Chinese soft shell turtle Link

Turtles always strike me
as devastatingly serious.
If turtles could talk, I'd believe
everything they said. Erin O'Brien

I am wind-tawned and sun-browned.
Wearing the marks of the open. I reek of freedom. Muriel Strode

Music is the wine that fills the cup of silence. Robert Fripp *

Love You,
Cloudia & Pixie



Saturday Critters

Jaipur Garden Affair

 Robert Fripp's music for your cup of silence:


  1. Love the bottle brush - and like the idea of being a nice incident in someone's life too.

  2. I love it that rainbows are gay space lasers! I also like the turtle and Pixie reeking of catnip-infused freedom.

  3. The Chinese soft shell turtle is new to me, and I really like th epic of the colourful lady, just below the turtle.

  4. Hello, Cloudia
    Love the post and quotes, beautiful photos.
    The bottle brush is beautiful, I wish they grew here.
    Love the cool turtle and Pixie.
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your critter post. Take care, have a great day and happy weekend. PS, thanks so much for leaving me a comment.

  5. How nice to see our callistemon growing on your island. I never knew they could live in tropical areas.

  6. "Be a nice incident
    in someone's day"

    Well, okay! 😃

    That turtle is amazing.

  7. "Be a nice incident
    in someone's life

    Well, okay! 😄

    Having trouble posting this comment. Sorry if it appears twice.

    Cool turtle! I would not believe what they say, however. I would run away screaming, "A talking turtle!"

  8. I would believe anything that a turtle told me, Cloudia. Love the idea of being a nice incident today. ;-)

  9. Aw, Pixie is a poet, too!

    You are so right, Cloudia! It was a millipede not a centipede! Silly me. I wonder whether the brain cells are firing some days.

    That first quote is wonderful. With a gay granddaughter, I am being very aware of this issue.

  10. Amazing skyview, Rainbow, Lovely turtle and Cute Pixie :)
    Beautiful words. Happy Weekend.

  11. Thanks for the reminder to be a nice incident in someone's life today.

  12. I totally agree with Kathy G. Let us always try to be that bright spot in someone's day.

  13. What fabulous friends to wake up to here in Hawaiian standard time! We are 3 hours later than even California.

  14. I love that rainbow and the bottle brush.

  15. Hello dear Cloudia, thank you for my daily dose of wonderful and wise and Pixie :)

  16. I wish you a wonderful weekend

  17. I love turtles and it's so much fun to see one and take pics. I've enjoyed your post my friend!

  18. Muy buenas las fotografías y muy buenos los mensajes que hay en cada una de ellas.
    Feliz domingo.

  19. Another fabulous post with lovely photos. Have a nice weekend.

  20. What an enjoyable post. I wonder if I can't reprint the gay space laser rainbow quote, is that what it means? Love that Pixie is getting into poetry too. Perhaps she's your muse all along!!

  21. How beautiful is this fake turtle
    and yes I would believe anything a turtle told me.
    The tanned free lady is impressive!
    Have a great week Clοudia!

  22. Love the bottle brush. Is that you in the red and purple dress? How did you take that picture? 😆

  23. A beautiful sky in that first shot.


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