Saturday, June 29, 2024

Perfect Hat Perfect Hero

A L O H A From Honolulu!

Calling bigotry an opinion is
like calling arsenic a flavour. 
Jack Cameron

Manu O Ku- Pacific White Tern

Kindness always wins. 
Oseola McCarty *

Rainbow Shower Tree Blossoms
If what I say
resonates with you,
it is merely because we
are both branches
on the same tree.
W. B. Yeats

Golden Shower Tree Fantasy

God favors those
who delight in being.
Criss Jami

My experience is 
that the teachers 
we need most are 
the people we're living 
with right now.
           Byron Katie


Love You,
Cloudia & Pixie

Title  Match:

It can be difficult to choose
a hat to suit our personality.
When you meet someone
who has successfully found it,
you Just Know!

* Washerwoman Oseola McCarty cleaned other people's clothes for over seventy years. She gifted $150,000 (much of her life savings) to the University of Southern Mississippi for aid to needy students. "So they won't have to work as hard as I did."


  1. Some excellent quotes (and people) today.

  2. Beautiful quotes, Amazing clicks, Happy Weekend.

  3. We are branches of the same tree

  4. ...Oseola McCarty passed it forward.

  5. We are all so much more alike than we are different, Cloudia. I wish people could remember that! Blessings!

  6. What a wonderful person Ms McCarty was! We need more people like her, Cloudia. ;-)

  7. Today's post is so much fun. I love the quotes, especially the ones about bigotry and kindness. That shot of the Buddha statue with the "perfect hat" is awesome, as is the picture of Pixie in "perfect teacher" mode.

  8. It seems there are even more TV stars hanging around Hawaii. I'm thinking that tern looks like the dove from Touched By An Angel! Linda in Kansas

  9. Hello
    Beautiful photos of your sweet Pixie and the birds.
    I would love to see the White Tern. Great capture of the Night Heron.
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  10. Each of you lifts me up! For which I am truly grateful. Bless each one of you! Pixie's agreeing ❤️

  11. I'm currently actually shopping for a hat, for summer sun. My old straw hat has seen many seasons, and needs a replacement.

  12. Pixie is trying to decide what to make of that bird.

  13. a beautiful variety of images...and quotes as well!! have a beautiful sunday!!

  14. These are all so good my friend. Just what I needed to read today! Hugs!


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