Sunday, June 30, 2024

Vast And Cheer

A L O H A From Honolulu!

Dad & Daughter

Hand in hand
feeling grand
Off the cement
in touch
with the land
Memories are built
of this
Trust for the future
Possibilities of bliss.

Throughout the years
Her soul can again
Return to her
early mornings
Walking along
with him.
Cloudia Charters

Symphony Skies

Most symphonies, however, are wordless. They are built only of tones, nonlinguistic sounds vibrating in the air, and somehow, we take them to heart and feel that they speak to us more deeply than words ever could.
M.T. Anderson.
Symphony for the City of the Dead

Golden Shower Tree Flower
You don’t get in life what you want; you get in life what you are. Les Brown

Best Friends
Grand adventures need not roam, Vastness is found close to home. Stretch your mind
let wonder bloom,
No fortune spent
to chase the moon.

Craving vastness, don't despair, Grand adventures
hide right there.
Whispers in a
hidden space. Walks on sand,
a friendly face,

Friendly eyes
and open mind,
Expansive moments there to find. Walk beneath
a starlit sky, Wander where
the wild things lie.

For vastness hides
in plainest sight, Awaiting you with pure delight.
Cloudia Charters

Don't forget to
enjoy the game.
George H. W. Bush & Pixie

Love You,
Pixie & Cloudia

Linking To

Monday Murals

Take to the Skies
with KittyBunny!


  1. Loved the 1st photo and your poetry! Aloha 🙏

  2. Love those precious father/daughter moments.

  3. That mural is definitely for me. So lightening the mood

  4. I really like that father and daughter are walking on the grass,
    I think the walk makes their relationship stronger!!
    Happy Sunday Clοudia!

  5. ...enjoy you Joyous June and prepare for a Jolly July.

  6. I like the dad and daughter verse. It stirs some memories and feelings.

  7. Great first photo with a nice poem. It is the top and topic of this post.

  8. I like your poem and all the pretty photos.
    Take care, have a wonderful week!

  9. Good words, very good photos. Thanks and I think I do accept adventures even when unexpected...but sometimes it's getting harder with this old body!

  10. Father and daughter photo is priceless!

  11. "Grand adventures need not roam, Vastness is found close to home. Stretch your mind
    let wonder bloom,
    No fortune spent
    to chase the moon."

    I love this sentiment!

  12. Oh goodness, Pixie has an expression of please give me some love! She's such a sweet kitty, and your photo of a father and his little girl is beautiful as are the two walking the beach. Moments together. Aloha to you and Pixie too, and give her a hug from me too!

  13. Love the shots & the words today, Cloudia. Cool KittyBunny. ;-)

  14. Did you happen to see my last post, Cloudia? I used the exact same quote from G. H. W. Bush! Is it a small world, or what?
    I so enjoyed your father/daughter poem, too. Blessings!

  15. Is Kittybunny Pixie's super hero identity? What kind of games does she play? I would love to take to the stars with her... Glorious post today!

  16. You captured some lovely moments and pretty skies.
    best, mae at

  17. Cute mural. I love M T Anderson. I read that book about Leningrad. It's harrowing at times. Very different to his children's books. I know a LOT about Shostakovich now....(except maybe how to spell his name?) #MuralMondays

  18. The first photo is so cute.
    Love the cat mural. Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Cloudia.

  19. Beautiful words, Loved all clicks, Mural looks great.
    Have a nice ahead.

  20. such a cute picture to start off your post, i liked the pretty poem to accompany it!! i like the mural, i am a lover of murals!! i enjoyed your post!!

  21. lucy has recently been refurbished and she looks great!! we have only been once but it was a fun trip, there is a lot to see in the surrounding area. we live about an hour north of there, right off the garden state parkway!!


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