Saturday, July 13, 2024

Ability and Art

A L O H A From Honolulu!

For everything you have missed,
you have gained something else...
  Ralph Waldo Emerson

Praise and blame, gain
and loss, pleasure and sorrow
come and go like the wind.
To be happy, rest like a giant tree
in the midst of them all.

Ordinary riches can be stolen,
real riches cannot.
In your soul are
infinitely precious things
that cannot be taken from you.
Oscar Wilde

Wealth is the ability to
fully experience life Henry David Thoreau

One cannot get protection
from wealth nor education.
The only factor that can give
protection from the destructive
effects of anger and hatred is the
practice of tolerance and patience. Dalai Lama

The art of living is to
know how to
grow old gracefully.


Love You,
Cloudia & Pixie


  1. Love those ducklings and agree wholeheartedly with the Dalai Lama.

  2. That little gecko peeking out is so cute, as is Pixie growing older with grace. Great quotes and sentiments today. Thanks for spreading peace and love in the world.

  3. The art of growing old is a true form of art

  4. Up at 3:30 after a few hours sleep, I am not sure that I am aging gracefully. 😊

  5. ...growing old gracefully ain't easy.

  6. Hello,
    Love the cute Gecko, your sweet Pixie and the ducklings are adorable.
    Beautiful sky and trees and inspiring quotes.
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  7. Thanks for the inspirations...and beautiful photos. Like seeing trees framed at an angle for a change.

  8. Growing old with grace is what I wish to do.
    Blessings, Cloudia!

  9. As always great to see and think about.

  10. The words and pics of this post strike home for me today, Cloudia. Thanks. ;-)

  11. Beautiful captures and quotes!

  12. Growing old gracefully can be a challenge. It's something that needs a little adjustment every now and then.

  13. Such a lovely set of photos. Those ducklings are adorable.

  14. I think I've given up on graceful aging! It is such a pain!
    Lovely flowers, as always.

  15. Aloha Cloudia I don't want to miss anything I want to see and feel it all. It's a wonderful world out there we must grab all that we can quickly! Love that little critter ever so sweetly move forward, Take care.

  16. I need a bucket truck to get to some of the limbs that need trimming on my trees.

  17. Beautiful words. So true and inspiring.

  18. Love the Oscar Wilde quote!
    Beautiful photos and inspiring words Clοudia!
    Have a beautiful and creative week!

  19. Adorable ducklings, Thanks for sharing with Garden Affair.


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